His Master's Voice 4th Annual Symposium – Utopias, dystopias, and ecotopias
Utopian and dystopian narratives have been inviting prospective thinking since their very inception–and even today, when nationalistic historicism seems to be awaken yet again, they continue to urge, as Donna Harroway once did, for planning our brave new world as the one “becoming with” others: human races, animal species, or even extraterrestial beings. Long-lasting Western paradigm, which has been confronting the human with the animal, the anthropocentrically perceived m o n s t e r (moneo, monere), seems to be nowadays re-evaluated from the perspective of ecoctriticism, animal studies, ecology, or environmentalism. And, at the very same time, a variety of fantastic narratives has been cultivated in this intellectual tradition, challenging our dualistic overview of the world as–and encouraging to stop thinking of it in terms of a binary opposition between nature and culture.

Accordingly, The Organising Committee welcomes presentations or panel proposals covering but not limited to:
- representations of utopias, dystopias, and eco(dys)topias in: literature; cinema and television; video games; graphic novels; animations & anime; art; architecture; music; transmedial narratives; popular culture; and others.
- ecopolitical, ecosophical, and ecocritical approaches to utopia & dystopia;
- ecological turn: from ecotopias and ecodystopias to biodystopias;
- utopianism & ecocriticism;
- new critical approaches in ecological, utopian & dystopian studies: from environmentalism to ecofeminism and animal studies;
- ecological New Weird: utopias & dystopias from biopunk to climate fiction
- ecotopias by Ernest Callenbach, Margaret Atwood, Kim Stanley Robinson, John Crowley, Paolo Bacigalupi and others.
- current research in utopian studies and utopianism;
- utopia, dystopia, and eco(dys)topia retold, reimagined, remediated or renarrated;
- other research topics in utopian, dystopian, and ecotopian studies.
The conference language is English and Polish (although we do encourage English presentations). To register for the conference, one should send in an editable format (.doc, .docx.) 600-words abstracts featuring (1) the title of presentation, (2) a concise bio-note, (3) current affiliation, and (4) all necessary contact information (official email address & phone number) at hismastersvoiceconference@gmail.com by January 30th 2017. Please do entitle the document with aforementioned information, following the pattern: “Name, Title of your presentation”. Successful applicants will be notified within two weeks after the deadline and given additional two-three weeks for submitting the registration fee.
Attendees are also encouraged to send us full panel proposals composed of (1) abstracts from a minimum number of 4 delegates, (2) up to 600 words description of the pa-nel, (3) a suggested title of the panel and, most importantly, (4) email addresses of all delegates included in the proposed panel. The conference fee is 150€ (130€ for students and PhD candidates) and includes 3 lunches, wine reception, coffee breaks, and other conference essentials.
The conference will be followed by a peer-reviewed monograph, published by Facta Ficta Research Centre and licenced under Creative Commons 4.0 as an ebook stored in a globally accessible repository (CeON Center for Open Science) and / or in peer-reviewed special editions of renowned scholarly journals.
Further details regarding the venue, suggested accommodation and transportation will be continuously updated at the website http://www.hismastersvoice.org. Organisers do welcome all questions and requests at hismastersvoiceconference@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you in Kraków!
The Organising Committee
Prof. Zbigniew Pasek, PhD (University of Science and Technology in Kraków)
Krzysztof M. Maj, MA (chief co-ordinator, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Facta Ficta Research Centre)
Ksenia Olkusz, PhD (co-ordinator, Facta Ficta Research Centre)
Michał Kłosiński, PhD (University of Silesia in Katowice)
See also
Traumatic Modernities: From Comparative Literature to Medical Humanities / International Conference and Seminars
XXVIII Scientific Readings / International Scientific Conference
The annual international conference “Scientific Readings” organized by the Faculty of Humanities (FH) of Daugavpils University (DU) is a big research event that represents the major spheres of the humanities, research subjects, methodologies, and interdisciplinary innovations at the faculty.
Comics in Culture/Culture in Comics
The aim of the conference is to present a wide array of perspectives of different forms of comics and their role in culture. Comics, as a unique combination of literature and visual arts, spanning from child entertainment, through popculture, to independent artistic expression, are a great source of interdisciplinary research. This is why we welcome entries on variety of topics exploring the relations between them and culture.
In recent years linguistic conferences organized by the Białystok circle of neophilologists have established a strong tradition in terms of providing a forum for the exchange of views on the nature of language. It all started almost fifteen years ago, in 2002. The main aim of the conferences was to provide a meeting ground for a wide range of scholars: linguists, literary scholars, foreign language teaching methodologists, to mention but a few groups of researchers participating in the events. The conferences explored the relationship between language, culture, and social interaction. They were often organized in co-operation with French language scholars.