Polish Studies Newsletter


Date of the event: 15.01.2025 g.12:30
Added on: 19.12.2024

Towards Reusability and Reproducibility of Research: A Scalable Workflow for Research Software Archival with CORE and Software Heritage

Type of the event:

W ramach spotkania zaprezentujemy wyniki prac w projekcie SoFAIR, koncentrując się na przygotowaniu i anotacji danych związanych z wzmiankami o oprogramowaniu w literaturze naukowej. W webinarium wezmą udział eksperci reprezentujący Software Heritage, CORE oraz Softcite.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim.

Udział w spotkaniu jest bezpłatny, ale wymagana jest rejestracja.  Prosimy o rejestrację za pomocą poniższego linku: https://forms.gle/3jCSm6kUDUYCMbuGA .

Agenda spotkania przedstawia się następująco:

  • Overall project mission (Petr Knoth, SoFAIR PI, Open University)
  • Outline of the SoFAIR workflow (Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage)
  • AI-based software extraction in CORE (David Pride, Open University)
  • Management of software assets in open and institutional repositories (Martin Dočekal, Brno University of Technology)
  • Archival of software assets with Software Heritage (Morane Gruenpeter, Software Heritage)
  • Q&A


wydarzenie online
bez opłat
Added on:
19 December 2024; 12:54 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
9 January 2025; 20:38 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


FAIR Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (virtual meeting)

A plethora of data about cultural and/or natural heritage is nowadays available to both public and private institutions (e.g., universities, libraries, archives, museums, etc.). These data are highly heterogeneous in terms of both formats and contents. In addition, the way in which they are organized and characterized depends on the socio-cultural contexts of different working communities, their research methodologies, languages, and ways of thinking. As a consequence of this heterogeneity, it is hard to find connections across multiple datasets or to agree on data publishing policies and shared vocabularies to describe data in a common manner.  (http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/fair-heritage-digital-methods-scholarly-editing-and-tools-cultural-and-natural-heritage)


DHOx2020 ONLINE EVENT: Registration now open

Due to COVID-19, sadly the Digital Humanities Oxford Summer School cannot run in its usual format this year. Instead we are pleased to offer an online event, DHOx2020, from 13-15 July, which will run on Zoom. The online event is open to all, with a small registration fee to cover running costs.


Cultural Heritage in Digital Age

Polish Science Contact Agency ‘PolSCA’ of Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Institute Brussels are delighted to invite you to the webinar Cultural Heritage in Digital Age to be held on 21 of April 2021!


The Heritage of Crisis. A Crisis of Heritage?

Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UJ oraz UNA Europa zapraszają do udziału w Międzynarodowej Konferencji The Heritage of Crisis. A Crisis of Heritage?, która odbędzie się w dniach 18-20 maja 2023 w sali amfiteatralnej Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie.

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