Our Everyday Identity /International Conference
Institute of European Culture and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Ignacy Jan Paderewski University of Poland in London with the Institute of Painting and Artistic Education of the Pedagogical University of the National Commission in Cracow
have the honour to invite you to International Interdisciplinary Conference

Scientific Committee of the Conference
Prof. dr hab. Halina Taborska (PUNO), Dr hab. Małgorzata Wielek-Mandrela, prof. UP, Prof. dr Grażyna Czubińska (PUNO), Dr hab. Aleksandra Łukaszewicz Alcaraz (PUNO), Dr hab. Łukasz Murzyn, prof. UP, Dr Justyna Gorzkowicz (PUNO), Dr Eliza Kącka (PUNO)
Organising Committee of the Conference
Prof. Grażyna Czubińska (PUNO), Dr Justyna Gorzkowicz (PUNO), Dr Teresa Naidoo (PUNO), Dr Krzysztof Gil (UP), Mgr Jarosław Solecki (PUNO), Mgr Juan Valencia (PUNO), Mgr Adrian Ligęza (PUNO)
Secretary of the Conference: Mgr Urszula Walczak
→ Conference languages: Polish and English
Our conference will be held on the ZOOM platform. If you want to participate, please email to the address: konferencja@puno.edu.pl
The Conference Program and the Book of Abstracts are available for download in the attachment.
The conference aims to combine activities in the field of visual arts with interdisciplinary considerations in the spectrum of various fields of humanities and social sciences. The theoretical approach of the scientists and artists meeting has become the question of "identity". The most important issues which are still "in the process", concerning all areas of human life: its artistic, cultural, social, religious or scientific activities.
The structures of the post-modern world oblige researchers to try newer methodologies, sophisticated resources of interdisciplinary understanding of the dimensions in the identification process, encouraging unconventional approach to the "identity" issues. In order to meet the challenges of topographizing the term of "identity", conference organizers divided it into 5 contractual thematic panels, creating an opportunity to contribute to the event for the representatives of various disciplines.
The panels respond to FIVE creative perspectives which will be taken up by artists from the Institute of Painting of the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The results of their artistic activities will be available for viewing for two months between 18.12.2020-18.02.2021 in 3D Blue Point Art Gallery PUNO London at the exhibition entitled "Images of Identity".
The conference "Everyday Identity" and the virtual exhibition "Images of Identity" are part of an interdisciplinary research project: "The Question of "Identity" in an Interdisciplinary Approach 2020/2021". The project is implemented in cooperation with the Institute of European Culture PUNO and the Institute of Painting and Artistic Education UP.
Cultural anthropologist specialising in literary studies, art critic; head of the Research Centre on the Legacy of Polish Migration in London
See also
Our Everyday Identity – International Interdyscyplinary Conference
Institute of European Culture and the Department of Social Sciences of the Polish University Abroad in London (PUNO) with the Institute of Painting and Artistic Education of the Pedagogical University in Krakow (UP) invite you to submit your proposals. The aim of the conference is to explore various perspectives on identity issues (including "mobile and multicultural identities") in the context of an interdisciplinary approach. Inclusive of the national minorities' optics, the dimension of empirical and theoretical work in the ways of expressing identity in the everyday life of emigrants will be additionally emphasized. In order to meet the challenges of topographizing the term of "identity", conference organizers divided it into 5 contractual thematic panels, creating an opportunity to contribute to the event for the representatives of various disciplines. Conference Panels: 1. The Identity Expressed by the Creative Act 2. Personal Identity 3. Non-Heteronormative Identity 4. Collective Identity 5. Multicultural Identity Speech proposals will be accepted through submitted forms. Please note: You can apply only to one panel. More information about the panels: https://clacu.puno.edu.pl/conference-our-everyday-identity Individual conference panels which correspond with five creative perspectives undertaken by academic artists from the Institute of Painting at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. Submission Form: English
Literaturoznawstwo architektoniczne. Miejsce i tożsamość (The architectural literary studies: place and identity)
Jak sensy wpisane w przestrzeń mogą wpływać na jej zagospodarowanie? W jaki sposób władza wykorzystuje semantykę miejsca, by oddziaływać na społeczeństwo? Czy literaturoznawstwo może pomóc w rekonstrukcji doświadczania przestrzeni w danym okresie historycznym oraz, w jaki sposób metamorfoza miejsca staje się elementem walki mentalnej? Próbę odpowiedzi na tak postawione pytania, a także rozważania nad „architekturą wyobrażoną”, która staje się nośnikiem tożsamości (np. w sytuacji podtrzymywania jej poza granicami kraju) podejmą badacze reprezentujący różne dyscypliny i ośrodki naukowe.
The Polish University Abroad of the Ignacy Jan Paderewski in London (PUNO) in collaboration with the Institute of Polish Literature of the University of Warsaw, the Polish Union of Writers Abroad in London and the Polish Educational Society in London are honoured to invite you to submit your papers for the interdisciplinary international academic conference on the life and works of Cyprian Norwid.
Crossroads II Conference: City/Non-City
The Institute of Modern Languages is pleased to invite scholars from Poland and abroad to the Crossroads II Conference: City/Non-City that will be held on 29-30 November 2018 at the University of Białystok.