"The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects" - call for papers
The scientific issue “The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects” is an educational journal that is dedicated to the problems of training specialists in various fields of study, a wide range of issues of innovative developing modern education and scientific research in this line.

Focus and Scope of the Scientific Journal “The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects. http://pptma.dn.ua/index.php/uk/ ; http://pptma.dn.ua/index.php/en/
ISSN 2414-9292
УДК [37:81](06)
The journal is created to meet the information needs of the educational community, to give it space for discussion, to highlight new ideas and trends in professional education today, to promote research of modern psychological and pedagogical sciences, the most significant scientific and practical achievements of professional education.
- current trends of professional education development;
- the theory and practice of teacher professional training;
- issues of the development of higher education;
- the aspects of implementing ICT in education and innovative technologies in the New Ukrainian School.
"Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects" is a blind peer-reviewed scientific electronic journal, providing readers with the immediate open access to the content.
The journal is included into the database Index Copernicus (Poland), index of the journal is 2018:70.17 (the journal pass https://journals.indexcopernicus.com/search/details?id=45848&lang=pl).
See also
"The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects" - call for papers
The scientific issue “The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects” is an educational journal that is dedicated to the problems of training specialists in various fields of study, a wide range of issues of innovative developing modern education and scientific research in this line.
V International Forum on Teacher Education ‘Developing Teacher Competence: Key Issue and Values’
The forum includes the following academic activities: May 29, 2019 - International academic conference ‘Continuing teacher education: new concepts and technologies’; May 30, 2019 - International academic conference ‘Early-career teachers: induction and professional development’; May 31, 2019 - International academic conference ‘Research-based teacher education’; May 29-31, 2019 - International conference ‘Teaching future teachers in the spirit of Janusz Korczak’.
In recent years linguistic conferences organized by the Białystok circle of neophilologists have established a strong tradition in terms of providing a forum for the exchange of views on the nature of language. It all started almost fifteen years ago, in 2002. The main aim of the conferences was to provide a meeting ground for a wide range of scholars: linguists, literary scholars, foreign language teaching methodologists, to mention but a few groups of researchers participating in the events. The conferences explored the relationship between language, culture, and social interaction. They were often organized in co-operation with French language scholars.
Linguistics Beyond And Within: THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE REGULAR — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 5th meeting of Linguistics Beyond And Within – International Linguistics Conference in Lublin organized by the Department of Applied Linguistics, the Department of Theoretical Linguistics, the Department of Contrastive English-Polish Studies and the Department of Celtic Studies in the Institute of English Studies, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland, which will be held on 18–19 October 2017.