Polish Studies Newsletter


Added on: 21.10.2019

Olga Tokarczuk will establish a foundation supporting writers and translators

Support for the work of writers and translators, literary research and literary translation, reflection on the role of literature in the history of social changes – these are the main goals of the foundation which will be set up in Wrocław by Olga Tokarczuk, the 2018 Nobel Prize Winner.

źródło: Pixabay

During the press conference Irek Grin, Director of the Wrocław Literature House, announced that Olga Tokarczuk had decided to set up a foundation in Wrocław. Its focus will be on: advocating the work of writers and translators, research on literature and translation and reflection on the role of literature in the history of social changes.

 “The Nobel Prize Winner wants this foundation to become a space for international debate about the role of literature in assessing the seen and the unseen and describing the reality in which xenophobia and nationalism are on the rise. It is to be a place devoted to discussions about art and about the human being as part of nature. It’s meant to be a meeting point for authors and translators from all around the world where educational and residential programmes as well as scholarships will be organised,” said the Director of the Wrocław Literature House.

The city of Wrocław had declared its support for the initiative and allocated the Maria and Tymoteusz Karpowicz Villa by Krzycka 29 street to become its office. The Wrocław Literature House will be the strategic partner of Olga Tokarczuk’s foundation.


Added on:
21 October 2019; 15:43 (Olga )
Edited on:
2 November 2019; 14:47 (Sylwia Pikula)

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