Numer czasopisma
Cluster on “Remembering Late Socialism in Autobiographical Novels and Autofictions from Central and Eastern Europe”
Guest editors: Agnieszka Mrozik and Anja Tippner
Since the fall of communism in 1989 and 1990/91 literature has dealt with this epochal societal change, trying to come to terms with the past and assessing its influence on the present. In the last years, the focus has turned towards the era of late socialism, that is the 1970s and 1980s. Many writers who attempt to present and reevaluate these decades and their ongoing influence on biographies and societies today grew up or came of age in this era. Our main contention is that different forms of life-writing, especially autofictions and autobiographical novels, have become the dominant narrative device for addressing and narrating the socialist past. Accordingly, the contributions to this cluster explore the era of late socialism, examining its different and often contested meanings not only from the perspective of the past but also from the perspective of today. Thus, we explore the role of autobiographical writing in commemorating the past as well as in demonstrating the demise of socialism, as represented in contemporary literatures in Czech, Polish, Romanian, and Russian.
Spis treści
Table of contents:
Agnieszka Mrozik and Anja Tippner, Remembering Late Socialism in Autobiographical Novels and Autofictions from Central and Eastern Europe: Introduction
Doris Mironescu and Andreea Mironescu, Maximalist Autofiction, Surrealism and Late Socialism in Mircea Cărtărescu’s Solenoid
Agnieszka Mrozik is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Anja Tippner is Full Professor of Slavic Literatures at Hamburg University.
Doris Mironescu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Romanian Studies of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, and a senior researcher with the “A. Philippide” Institute of the Romanian Academy.
Andreea Mironescu is a Senior Researcher at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Department within the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi.
Ksenia Robbe is a Senior lecturer in European Culture and Literature at the University of Groningen with the focus on Russian literature and culture.
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