Полонистический бюллетень


Начало событияДата события: 09.07.2019 - 11.07.2019
Дата размещения: 30.03.2019

5th "Andalusian Slavic Studies Workdays" International Conference

Начало событияВид события:

The Conference will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the founding of Department Section of Slavic Studies at the University of Granada.

The goal of the Conference is to promote both theoretical and applied research in the field of Slavic Studies, and bring together scholars who are interested in the different topics of the Conference:

  1. Learning and Teaching of Slavic Languages and Cultures
  2. Slavic Literatures and Cultural Expressions
  3. Media, Political Discourse and International Relations
  4. History, Culture and World View
  5. Linguistic Studies
  6. Translation to and from Slavic Languages

The official conference languages are any Slavic language, Spanish and English.

Abstract submission deadline: 12 April 2019

Abstract submission here

Contact: granaslavic2019@gmail.com


Sección Departamental de Filología Eslava de la Universidad de Granada


Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación

Departamento de Filología Griega y Filología Eslava

Centro Ruso (Fundación Russkiy Mir)


Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación Universidad de Granada Calle Puentezuelas 55, Granada
Подача заявок для докладчиков до:
40 - 140 €
Дата размещения:
30 марта 2019; 21:10 (Mariola Wilczak)
Дата правки:
30 марта 2019; 21:10 (Olga )
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