Полонистический бюллетень


Начало событияДата события: 07.10.2021 - 08.10.2021
Дата размещения: 05.09.2021

V International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Professionalism of the Teacher within Educational Innovations”

Начало событияВид события:
Целевые аудитории:
Студенты, аспиранты, Независимые ученые, Учителя, Доктора, Педагоги, Другие

Organizer of the scientific and practical Internet conference is the Primary Education Theory and Practice Department of the SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University” (Sloviansk).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv (Ukraine);

SHEI “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine);

Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv (Ukraine);

Centrum Polonijne, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów (Poland);

International Informatization Academy, Almaty (Kazakhstan).

Conference materials will be posted on the website of the SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University” (http://www.slavdpu.dn.ua/) and on the digital portal of the department (http://psll.paradox.dn.ua/).

Each participant will get a certificate indicating the number of study hours (12 hours).

Based on the results of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of theses of scientific reports, which will be assigned the UDC index.

Participants have to fill in the online application form of the conference participant (deadline: 1 October 2021): https://forms.gle/rfotMcVzxADV5b2o9 and attach there theses.

Languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English, etc.

Thematic Focuses of the Conference:

  • New Ukrainian school: Pedagogical Innovations in the Primary Education System.
  • Theory and Practice of Organization of the Educational Process in Preschool, Secondary and Out-of-School Education Institutions.
  • Professional Training Theory and Methodology of Prospective Teachers.
  • Modern Trends in the Art Education Development.
  • Information and Communication Technologies in Education.

Requirements for Theses:

  • Volume of theses up to 3 pages with A4 page format (297x210 mm), book orientation.
  • The text must be typed in a text editor MS Word (.docx, .doc, .rtf).
  • Page settings: format А4, all margins – 2 cm, without page numbering.
  • Text font – 14 Times New Roman, lines without hyphens.
  • Paragraph parameters of the main text:

– alignment – width;

– line spacing – 1 pt;

– indentation of the first line – 1.25 cm;

– paragraph spacing – 0 pt.

Footers and footnotes are not used in the document.

  • The first line (bold, all capital letters, centered) – the title of theses; the second line (bold italic font, centered) – author’s name and initials; the third line (italic font, centered) – educational institution or place of work, city, country.
  • Literature: up to 5 sources.


Tel: +380502645399 Khvashchevska Olha (conference coordinator);

@: profpedconference@gmail.com


Подача заявок для докладчиков до:
Дата размещения:
5 сентября 2021; 18:27 (Mariola Wilczak)
Дата правки:
5 сентября 2021; 18:27 (Mariola Wilczak)

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