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Future of Scholarly Communication . Forging an inclusive and innovative research infrastructure for scholarly communication in Social Sciences and Humanities
This report discusses the scholarly communication issues in Social Sciences and Humanities that are relevant to the future development and functioning of OPERAS. The outcomes collected here can be divided into two groups of innovations regarding 1) the operation of OPERAS, and 2) its activities. The “operational” issues include the ways in which an innovative research infrastructure should be governed (Chapter 1) as well as the business models for open access publications in Social Sciences and Humanities (Chapter 2). The other group of issues is dedicated to strategic areas where OPERAS and its services may play an instrumental role in providing, enabling, or unlocking innovation: FAIR data (Chapter 3), bibliodiversity and multilingualism in scholarly communication (Chapter 4), the future of scholarly writing (Chapter 5), and quality assessment (Chapter 6). Each chapter provides an overview of the main findings and challenges with emphasis on recommendations for OPERAS and other stakeholders like e-infrastructures, publishers, SSH researchers, research performing organisations, policy makers, and funders. Links to data and further publications stemming from work concerning particular tasks are located at the end of each chapter. (
Editors: Maciej Maryl, Marta Błaszczyńska
Authors: Karla Avanço, Ana Balula, Marta Błaszczyńska, Anna Buchner, Lorena Caliman, Claire Clivaz, Carlos Costa, Mateusz Franczak, Rupert Gatti, Elena Giglia, Arnaud Gingold, Susana Jarmelo, Maria João Padez, Delfim Leão, Maciej Maryl, Iva Melinščak Zlodi, Kajetan Mojsak, Agata Morka, Tom Mosterd, Elisa Nury, Cornelia Plag, Valérie Schafer, Mickael Silva, Jadranka Stojanovski, Bartłomiej Szleszyński, Agnieszka Szulińska, Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, Piotr Wciślik, Lars Wieneke
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Reassessing Communism. Concepts, Culture, and Society in Poland, 1944-1989
Autor/Redaktor: Katarzyna Chmielewska, Agnieszka Mrozik, Grzegorz Aleksander Wołowiec
Trzynastu badaczy podjęło się krytyki dominującej narracji o komunizmie w Polsce, proponując nowe analizy tego pojęcia, a także badając przejawy antykomunizmu. Publikacja jest wynikiem prac w ramach grantu NPRH (2013-2020) pod kierownictwem prof. Michała Głowińskiego. Grant był realizowany w Ośrodku Studiów Kulturowych i Literackich nad Komunizmem IBL PAN.
Gender, Generations, and Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond
Autor/Redaktor: Anna Artwińska, Agnieszka Mrozik
Communism in twentieth-century Europe is predominantly narrated as a totalitarian movement and/or regime. This book aims to go beyond this narrative and provide an alternative framework to describe the communist past. This reframing is possible thanks to the concepts of generation and gender, which are used in the book as analytical categories in an intersectional overlap.
From the House of the Slave to the Home of the Brave. The Motif of Home in Poetry by Black Women since the late 1960s
Autor/Redaktor: Jerzy Kamionowski
Kategoria: Filologie obce Autorzy: Jerzy Kamionowski Rok wydania: 2019 Numer ISBN: 978-83-7431-592-0 Liczba stron: 169 Format: B5, oprawa twarda Wydawncitwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
The Staszic Palace as Affective Heterotopia: New Category of Spatial Description
Autor/Redaktor: Aleksandra Wójtowicz
W Peter Lang International Academic Publishers ukazała się książka dr Aleksandry Wójtowicz o Pałacu Staszica jako heterotopii afektywnej.