Fourth International Communication Styles Conference
Communication Styles conference is the fourth in the series of biannual conferences which were initiated in 2013 and took place in Krosno in Poland. So far the conferences have a publication record with a collection of articles entitled Culture’s Software: Communication Styles (Cambridge Scholars 2015), a special issue of the Styles of Communication journal (9:1; 2017) and an issue of Tertium Linguistic Journal (3.1; 2018).
Communication Styles 4 – Radical Thought – Radical Language - Radical Communication Style
The conference aims at shedding light on the trend to radicalize language in connection with radical political, social or religious ideas/ideologies across discourses genres and media, between individuals and groups, between the present and the past, between the culture specific and the universal, in conflict and dialogue as well as in the following spheres:
Ø public and private discourse
Ø political language
Ø intercultural and cross-cultural communication
Ø aggressive and polite communication (netiquette)
Ø vulgarisms and taboos
Ø political correctness as a means to alleviate radicalism
Ø persuasion
Ø folklore
Ø creativity, metaphor and art
Ø humour – corrective and benevolent- satire, parody, irony
Ø family and between genders
Ø business communication
Ø translating radical texts
Conference language: English
Special, organized thematic sessions are invited too.
Professor Piotr Chruszczewski, University of Wrocław, and Dr Aleksandra Knapik, Committee for Philology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław Branch, Poland
Professor Helga Kotthoff, University of Freiburg, Germany
Professor Giselinde Kuipers, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
PAPER PROPOSALS with a maximum 300-word abstract and the registration form should be sent via the following google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfau40lbc4NUHpBorMqDwccArH2hMAaLxool3fwiz0PhSNfmQ/viewform not later than 30 August 2019. Acceptance notifications will be sent by 20 September 2019.
Peer reviewed papers will be published in a special issue of Tertium Linguistic Journal in early 2020 (www.journal.tertium.edu.pl).
Regular participants: 400 PLN (or 100 euro).
Doctoral students: 300 PLN (or 75 euro)
Accompanying persons fee: 300 PLN (or 75 euro)
All fees (in Polish zloties) must be transferred to the bank account of Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa in Krosno (Krosno State College) by 15 October 2019. The bank account will be provided in the second circular.
The conference fee covers the conference dinner, conference materials, refreshments during sessions, sightseeing of nearby tourist highlights, and publication of selected papers.
Hotel accommodation possibilities in Krosno include Hotel Portius, Karpackie Pokoje, Hotel Buda, Hotel Nafta, Hotel Twist, Hotel Śnieżka and a number of others. The prices range from 15-60 EUR per person a night
The College is a small but vibrant academic institution, with excellent conference facilities and enthusiastic staff, located in a picturesque Renaissance town in south-eastern Poland (see a video clip: http://www.krosno.pl/en/about-town/multimedia/video/art10.html). The college is a partner institution of the Jagiellonian University of Kraków, which is the oldest Polish university also ranked as the best one in the country.
Professor Dorota Brzozowska, Opole University, Poland
Dr Władysław Chłopicki, Jagiellonian University, Kraków and Krosno State College, Poland
Professor Jan Chovanec, University of Brno, Czechia
Professor Delia Chiaro, University of Bologna, Italy
Professor Piotr Chruszczewski, University of Wrocław, Poland
Dr Liisi Laineste, Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu, Estonia
Professor Villy Tsakona, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Anna Rewiś-Łętkowska: krosno.conference.2013@gmail.com
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