The Heritage of Crisis. A Crisis of Heritage?
Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UJ oraz UNA Europa zapraszają do udziału w Międzynarodowej Konferencji The Heritage of Crisis. A Crisis of Heritage?, która odbędzie się w dniach 18-20 maja 2023 w sali amfiteatralnej Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej w Krakowie.

Szczegółowe informacje znajdują się w pliku załączonym poniżej.
Zobacz także
Towards Reusability and Reproducibility of Research: A Scalable Workflow for Research Software Archival with CORE and Software Heritage
W ramach spotkania zaprezentujemy wyniki prac w projekcie SoFAIR, koncentrując się na przygotowaniu i anotacji danych związanych z wzmiankami o oprogramowaniu w literaturze naukowej. W webinarium wezmą udział eksperci reprezentujący Software Heritage, CORE oraz Softcite.
Cultural Heritage in Digital Age
Biuro Promocji Nauki PolSCA PAN w Brukseli oraz Instytut Polski w Brukseli serdecznie zapraszają na wydarzenie „Cultural Heritage in Digital Age”, które odbędzie się online 21 kwietnia (środa) w godzinach 9.15-11.15.
FAIR Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (virtual meeting)
A plethora of data about cultural and/or natural heritage is nowadays available to both public and private institutions (e.g., universities, libraries, archives, museums, etc.). These data are highly heterogeneous in terms of both formats and contents. In addition, the way in which they are organized and characterized depends on the socio-cultural contexts of different working communities, their research methodologies, languages, and ways of thinking. As a consequence of this heterogeneity, it is hard to find connections across multiple datasets or to agree on data publishing policies and shared vocabularies to describe data in a common manner. (http://www.lestudium-ias.com/event/fair-heritage-digital-methods-scholarly-editing-and-tools-cultural-and-natural-heritage)
CLARIN Café I: CLARIN in times of Corona (VIRTUAL EVENT)
In times of crisis, public support for policy measures is important. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the public in various countries across Europe has shown general support for the advice provided by National Health Institutes and governments. However, it is uncertain how this support will evolve once the perceived urgency and rationale of the policy measures changes over time. We have already seen growing information divergencies between state-controlled sources and social media. Furthermore, we see interesting dynamics in Corona-related vocabularies across countries and cultures (social distancing, 1,5 meter society or economy, etc.). The timely understanding of changes in public opinion, sentiments and citizen or crowd behavior is important for policy makers and health care professionals and of course food for thought for academic scholars. (https://www.clarin.eu/event/2020/clarin-caf%C3%A9-i-clarin-times-corona-virtual-event)