Nowoczesna humanistyka - warsztaty towarzyszące konferencji "Cultural Literacy in Europe 2017"
Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej IBL PAN zaprasza na serię warsztatów towarzyszących konferencji Cultural Literacy in Europe 2017. Wraz z zaproszonymi gośćmi przyjrzymy się narzędziom i umiejętnościom przydatnym w prowadzeniu badań:
1.Metody cyfrowe w humanistyce. Prezentacja wyników europejskiego sondażu poświęconego cyfrowym metodom i praktykom w humanistyce i naukach o sztuce, przeprowadzonego przez grupę roboczą DARIAH-EU: Digital Methods and Practices Observatory. Członkowie grupy przedstawią wyniki europejskie oraz wybrane analizy narodowe (m.in. dotyczące Austrii, Grecji i Polski).
2.Empiryczne literaturoznawstwo. Praktyczne wprowadzenie do ilościowych badań literackich przy użyciu SPSS przedstawi prof. Willie van Peer (Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich), autor Stylistics and Psychology: Investigations of Foregrounding (1986) oraz współautor podręcznika Muses and Measures: Empirical Research Methods for the Humanities (2008).
3.Finansowanie sieci badawczych. Ostatnia sesja poświęcona będzie finansowaniu sieci badawczych z zakresu nauk społecznych i humanistycznych (także niecyfrowych). Rossella Magli, przedstawicielka programu COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), poradzi, jak przygotować wniosek grantowy.
Miejsce: IBL PAN, Nowy Świat 72, Warszawa.
Szczegółowy program dostępny poniżej. Językiem warsztatów jest angielski.
Warsztaty są bezpłatne ale należy się zarejestrować tutaj. Liczba miejsc ograniczona. (Można uczestniczyć we wszystkich lub tylko w wybranych sesjach).
PROGRAM WARSZTATÓW / CLE 2017 Pre-conference workshops
Workshops are free and open to public but you need to register here.
1: (11:00-12:30) DARIAH Survey on Digital Needs and Practices in the Arts and Humanities
Host: DARIAH Digital Methods and Practices Observatory Working Group (DiMPO) members (Costis Dallas – chair, Nephelie Chatzidiakou, Claire Clivaz, Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar, Maciej Maryl, Gerlinde Schneider, Tanja Wissik, Ingrida Vosyliute)
Presentation of the results of the European survey on scholarly practices and digital needs in the arts and humanities which is the outcome of collaborative work of European researchers from different countries, working within the Digital Methods and Practices Observatory Working Group (DiMPO), Working Group of DARIAH-ERIC. It has been designed as a multiregional longitudinal survey, to be conducted online across European countries and to be repeated every few years. Its aim is to provide an evidence-based outlook of scholarly practices, needs and attitudes of European humanities researchers towards digital resources, methods and tools across space and time. Results of the first run of the survey (completed in March 2015) will be presented along with some interesting data from particular countries. Plans for the new run of the survey will be discussed with the audience.
2: (13:00-16:00) Empirical Literary Studies: How to Handle Quantitative Data?
Host: prof. Willie van Peer (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Central to any scientific investigation is the collection of independent data – to be held against the predictions of a theory. But what do you do after you have collected the data? Many scholars in literary studies are then baffled by the amount of information they have acquired. And often they are lost: what to do now, apart from calculating percentages? How to extract the information you are after?
This workshop will introduce you to the basics of getting the information you need out of your data. This will be done with the help of the computer program SPSS (available in a provisional form from the internet). This will be a hands-on workshop! Participants are requested to bring their own laptops with a version of SPSS installed on it (note that a 14-day trial version is available online. Be sure to install it not earlier than 2 weeks before the workshop). We will work with real data at the computer, so that you can yourself learn immediately how to explore your data.
3: (16:30 -18:00) COST – Cooperation in Science and Technology: How to Prepare a Successful Proposal
Host: Rossella Magli, Science Officer at COST Association
Cost is an intergovernmental organisation supporting the collaboration of researchers through networks, called “Actions”. These are pan-European networks of researchers and scientists, open to all fields of S&T, lasting four years. The workshop will provide an introduction on the COST framework and will guide the participants on how to prepare a successful proposal, with a particular view on Social Sciences and Humanities, playing “alone” or in synergy with other scientific fields. The presentation will be followed by an interactive Q&A session, in which all tips and tricks to increase the chances of success will be discussed.
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