Professionalising Inter- and Trandisciplinary Expertise / Shaping Conversations on Interdisciplinary Research (SHAPE-ID Webinar Series)
We are pleased to announce the programme for our SHAPE-ID webinar series for the coming months and we invite you to join us for some interesting discussions around interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research involving the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Date: Tuesday 10th December 13.00 – 14.15 CET (12.00-13.15 GMT)
Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7uTSN7HPSIa8S7E2FQ2gHQ
SHAPE-ID has found that a clear and well-defined process is needed for inter- and transdisciplinary research projects in order to manage such innovative interactions and ensure long-lasting results. This webinar will invite experts in inter- and transdisciplinary integration to consider how expertise can be fostered in academic and professional environments. What is integration expertise and why is it needed in order to develop strong collaborative research projects with diverse participants? What is the profile of the inter- or transdisciplinary scientist or researcher? What tools and methods are available to build this profile? Professor Jane Ohlmeyer (Trinity College Dublin), Principal Investigator of the SHAPE-ID project and Chair of the Irish Research Council, will chair the discussion.
- Dr Sabine Hoffman | Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
- Dr Nikki Brand | Technische Universiteit Delft
- Dr Petra Biberhofer | Participatory Science Academy, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich
Full details: https://www.shapeid.eu/webinar-10-12-20/
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Funding Interdisciplinary Research with the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / Shaping Conversations on Interdisciplinary Research (SHAPE-ID Webinar Series)
We are pleased to announce the programme for our SHAPE-ID webinar series for the coming months and we invite you to join us for some interesting discussions around interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research involving the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Best Practice in Interdisciplinary Research: Learning from the Neurohumanities / Shaping Conversations on Interdisciplinary Research (SHAPE-ID Webinar Series)
We are pleased to announce the programme for our SHAPE-ID webinar series for the coming months and we invite you to join us for some interesting discussions around interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research involving the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
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