Полонистический бюллетень


Начало событияДата события: 11.05.2019
Дата размещения: 26.03.2019

The Visual Management of Mobility - International scientific conference

Начало событияВид события:
Целевые аудитории:
аспиранты, Независимые ученые, Доктора

The ways in which people engage with their environment and with each other have changed as a result of transformations in communication, mobility and ways to access information.

PUNO Londyn

Our mobility, whether by foot, car or public transport, is guided visually through signage, GPS, Google maps, route planning, applications for public transport and so on. Technology, including smart-phones, tablets and laptops, allows us to navigate to and within unfamiliar places. At the same time, these devices may discourage verbal communication with other people as the required information can be easily accessed without human interaction.

We encourage scholars from the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Visual Communication and Media to contribute to the conference. The conference will provide a platform for the exchange of ideas on visual communication and urban public space, and aims to promote theoretical and social innovation.


POSK, 3rd Floor, 238-246 King Street London W6 0RF, United Kingdom
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Justyna Gorzkowicz

Antropolog kulturowy ze specjalnością literaturoznawczą, krytyk artystyczny; wicedyrektor Instytutu Kultury Europejskiej PUNO Londyn

Дата размещения:
26 марта 2019; 20:01 (Justyna Gorzkowicz)
Дата правки:
30 апреля 2019; 15:27 (Justyna Gorzkowicz)

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