Pезультаты поиска
- Between clarity and fuzziness.Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts / 5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Culture
- Sommerschule "Polish as a World Language"
- Слушаю, понимаю, действую. Развитие языковых компетенции иностранцев с целью предотвращения их общественно-профессиональной отчужденности
- Traumatic Modernities: From Comparative Literature to Medical Humanities / International Conference and Seminars
- CLARIN Café III - CLARIN for Researchers: Literary Studies (prowadzący: kierownik CHC IBL PAN – dr Maciej Maryl)
- Word in Education. Moral Upbringing through Arts and Literature / IVth International Congress
- Polska Macierz Szkolna
- Linguistics Beyond And Within: THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE REGULAR — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin
- Jagiellonians Heritage: Perspecives of International Research [Dziedzictwo Jagiellonów: perspektywy badań międzynarodowych]
- Jacek Partyka,Disarchiving Anguish.Charles Reznikoff and the Modalities of Witnessing
- (Mikro)społeczności praktyk naukowego edytorstwa cyfrowego (Digital scholarly editing (micro)communities of practices)
- Adiunkt w Zakładzie Językoznawstwa Komputerowego
- „Logopaedica Lodziensia”. Tom 1
- Взаимодействие языков и культур в Европе: пограничные зоны и пространства контактов
- Bar-Ilan University stands with students, lecturers, researchers, and academic staff from Ukraine with special assistance