Pезультаты поиска
- Varieties of Meaning and Content / The third "Context, Cognition and Communication"
- Reassessing Communism. Concepts, Culture, and Society in Poland, 1944-1989
- Kolokwia Dramaturgiczne w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej
- University Of Toronto
- Multidisciplinary research: cultural and social anthropology, ethnolinguistics, indigenous studies
- Quest for Form. The international conference of the series "Poetry Translation – Negotiating of Imagination"
- Convention and Revolution: Life writing by women in the 1800s and 1900s: archives, critiques and methods
- Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989): Research Approaches in the Digital Humanities
- Profesor nadzwyczajny w Zakładzie Edytorstwa i Stylistyki
- From Artes liberales to Artes digitales: Ukrainistyka & Slawistyka / międzynarodowe seminarium interdyscyplinarne
- XXVIII Scientific Readings / International Scientific Conference
- Zaproszenie do publikacji w czasopiśmie "The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects"
- CLARIN Café III - CLARIN for Researchers: Literary Studies (prowadzący: kierownik CHC IBL PAN – dr Maciej Maryl)
- Oficyna Bednarczyków i Feliks Topolski: artyści pod Arkadami Waterloo. Wycieczka z przewodnikiem
- International Conference "Convention and Revolution. Life writing by women in the 1800s and 1900s: archives, critiques and methods"