Pезультаты поиска
- International European School of Warsaw
- V International Forum on Teacher Education ‘Developing Teacher Competence: Key Issue and Values’
- Polskie Towarzystwo Onomastyczne
- Studia doktoranckie w Nowej Zelandii (New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships)
- 5th "Andalusian Slavic Studies Workdays" International Conference
- Stypendia postdoc w Niemczech
- Towards Culture(s) of Dialogue? Communicating Unity in/and Diversity through Language and Discourse / международная конференция IADA 2020 / Discourse, Dialogicity & Dialogue (DDD)
- Newton International Fellowships
- Academia Europaea - Wrocław Knowledge Hub
- Polski Instytut Studiów Zaawansowanych PIASt
- Linguistics Beyond And Within: THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE REGULAR — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin
- "International Journal of Slavic Studies.Transgressive, Pragmatic and Speculative Horizons of Popular Literature and Culture" (nr 2, 2020)
- Stypendium Joanny DeMone na staż naukowyna Uniwersytecie w Toronto (Joanna DeMone Visiting Graduate Student Award)