Polish Studies Newsletter

Articles and interviews

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In the language we can find everything that concerns us - conversation with Dr. Dorota Szagun

Dr. Dorota Szagun performs an important mission - she works with future journalists on their voice and diction. Always smiling and kind. Over the years of working at the Institute of Polish Philology at the University of Zielona Góra, she has discovered many passions, both scientific and private.


“The Skamandrites” in digital reality

The project "The Skamander Triad in exile. Editing the letters of Jan Lechoń, Kazimierz Wierzyński and Mieczysław Grydzewski" is an example of combining the tradition of "flashcard and pencil" with modern technologies, mixing a fully professional critical study with an open access to knowledge and merging scientific sources, the rustle of pages of a printed book with a functional digital edition. It concerns the correspondence of the eminent representatives of Polish literature and culture of the 20th century, the poets Jan Lechoń and Kazimierz Wierzyński, and the editor Mieczysław Grydzewski. The collection of their letters, located at the Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences of America with headquarters in New York and the Polish Library in London, is an important part of the Polish cultural heritage.   We have talked about the project with its authors: Dr. Beata Dorosz, PhD DSc, Professor of The Institute Of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a member of the Department of Contemporary Literature Documentation, and Dr. Bartłomiej Szleszyński, Head of the New Panorama of Polish Literature team of the Digital Humanities Centre at the Institute Of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


A Rocker Professor

A graduate of Polish studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Zielona Góra. Used to be a presenter at Radio Zielona Góra, and now she is a professor at the University of Zielona Góra as well as the head of the Journalism Laboratory and a member of the Polish Linguistic Society. Here come the many faces of Professor Magdalena Steciąg, Phd DSc.


On "Geopolonistyka" at the University of Grodno

The international scientific conference 'Mickiewicz and romantics towards East Slavic cultures' became an opportunity to familiarize participants with the 'Geopolonistyka' project. The conference was attended by the editors of the "Polish Studies Newsletter" - Olga Zakolska and Piotr Bordzoł.


Nałkowska, Orzeszkowa and others ... Interview with Professor Svetlana Musijenko

Courtesy of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, the Department of Philological Research „East – West” at the Institute of Polish Philology of University of Białystok, the International Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Grodno, the Scientific Library of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the “Książnica Podlaska” Podlasie Digital Library, the editors of the "Polish Studies Newsletter" - Olga Zakolska and Piotr Bordzoł – have participated in the international comparative conference "Mickiewicz and romantics towards East Slavic cultures". The conference became an opportunity to present our tools supporting Polish studies, as well as discussions on the designed interactive map of Polish "Geopolonistics" centers. During the meeting, the members of the editorial team of the Newsletter had the pleasure of talking with Professor Svetlana Musijenko - the founder of the first chair of Polish philology in Belarus, a distinguished researcher of Slavic literatures and cultures. We invite you to read.


„Sylwetki Polonistów” – ankieta Pana Profesora Aleksandra Wilkonia

W kolejnej odsłonie cyklu „Sylwetki Polonistów” zapraszamy do lektury ankiety Profesora Aleksandra Wilkonia, który w tym roku obchodzi jubileusz 60-lecia pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej.


Art in the Places of Death. An interview with Prof. Halina Taborska

"Halina Taborska's book (...) is a peculiar study of the aesthetics of an anti-humanistic act. In fact it introduces such "aesthetics" to the readers, and we are presented with a very carefully prepared documentation of various objects, material and spatial shapes, "installations", murals, museum organizations and documentary activities. These are various shapes in the public space which mediate our perception of an unimaginable crime or "blinding” shapes that protect us from the damages of seeing it again. By bringing this collection of practices together, the book shows their character and multiplicity. The research material gathered in the publication and the scholarly approach make it a must-read not only in the study of war crimes in Europe, but also in the study of symbolic representation of mass crimes - especially in the field of cultural studies, cultural anthropology and art history.” (Prof. Jan Stanisław Wojciechowski, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw - excerpt from the review on the cover).



The European Commission will finance the project TRIPLE (Targeting Researchers through Innovative Practices and multiLingual Exploration) under the Horizon 2020 framework with approx. 5,6 million Euros for a duration of 42 months. TRIPLE will be a dedicated service of the OPERAS research infrastructure and will become a strong service in the EOSC marketplace. TRIPLE will help social sciences and humanities (SSH) research in Europe to gain visibility, to be more efficient and effective, to improve its reuse within the SSH and beyond, and to dramatically increase its societal impact. Work is expected to start this fall.


On passions, sensitivity and valuable generations – an interview with Prof. Katarzyna Węgorowska

‘The most important thing in life is not to lose yourself and, at the end of your journey, to know that you have not done harm to others, that you did not do things ruthlessly, because this is not what life is about.” An interview with Prof. Katarzyna Węgorowska. Prof. Katarzyna Węgorowska – linguist, creator and Director of the Folk Language and Culture Lab at University of Zielona Góra. Aficionado of stones, shells, cacti, orchids, embroidery, folk art and culture.


A few questions about… the ANTHROPOS Doctoral School

Doctoral programmes in Poland will be replaced by doctoral schools. This change has been introduced by the Law on Higher Education and Science (Law 2.0), also known as the Constitution for Science.

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