XVIIth International Congress of Slavists
The XVIIth International Congress of Slavists will be held in Paris, France, from August 28 to September 1st 2023 at the Centre Malesherbes of Sorbonne Université (108 boulevard Malesherbes 75017 Paris).
This event, organized every five years, is the meeting place of Slavists from all around the world – specialists in linguistics, literature, history. Its first session was held in Prague in 1929. For the first time in history, the MKS will meet in a non-Slavic country, on the very date of the centenary of the Institut d’études slaves, Paris.
The general plan will contain a day of arrival (August 27), a day of departure (September 3), and six working days for the Congress split into 3-day segments with a free day (September 2) for excursions organized by the host French Committee of Slavists.