Polish Studies Newsletter


Date of the event:
Added on: 28.10.2020

Zaproszenie do publikacji w nowym numerze rocznika „Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo”

Type of the event:
Call for papers

Serdecznie zapraszamy do nadsyłania artykułów do kolejnego numeru „Prac Filologicznych. Literaturoznawstwa”, który poświęcony będzie idei antologizowania i pisarstwu antologizującemu od najstarszego do współczesnego.


The next issue of „Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo” (“Philological Studies. Literary Research”) is dedicated to the idea of anthologizing and also anthologized writing starting from its earliest examples and finishing with its most contemporary ones. Although the subject of anthologies and occasionally appears in philologists’ works, it is rather single case studies it refers to. And yet, the phenomenon of anthologizing as being exceptionally diverse and conditioned by multiple factors deserves to be tackled thoroughly and comprehensively and this can be achieved by means of a collective effort provided by scholars of various literary areas of expertise. Therefore our aim is to  initiate and integrate studies on anthologizing which could take advantage of the state of current literary knowledge on this subject in order to devise some methodological tools that would ensure a reliable of anthologizing as a process that in a number of ways re-orients, canonizes, manipulates or stereotypes being at the same time conditioned  by different times and circumstances. Crucial as it may seem, our main objective is not to index or label individual anthologies, though it might eventually turn out our secondary objective as well, but to reorganise and develop in a scholarly manner various mechanisms that influence anthologising practice as fundamental matter for humanities and literary studies. We are also interested in raising new questions about anthologised writing such as what it used to be like what it is like today, what it should be like or what correlation there is between the terms “anthology” and “anthologizing”  and finally, what the value of these terms is.

            All of the above seem to be essential both for the fact that there is a serious gap in the subject of anthologising and that we can observe a significant increase in publications of anthologies as a result of scholarly projects. For that reason it might turn out supportive to deliver some scholarly assistance in this particular matter.

Thus, we propose to give the following issues an incisive consideration and what is more, we invite you to  extend the list below:

- anthologizing as the art of choice and its cultural and scholarly potential;

- the subject of past and present anthologies – from gathering of texts to a digital collection;

- the historicity of the aims and functions of anthologizing; fixed and variable criteria of the anthology;

- cultural, sociological and political contexts influencing the selection of literary works compiled in anthologies;

- biographical, environmental, time-related, ideological conditions and other for anthology writing; anthology as a literary manifesto, a voice of generation, an act of ennoblement and self-identification;

- metatexts referring to the process of writing an anthology;

- paratexts, e.g. preface, afterword as sources of information on the necessary skills to write anthologies;

- an anthology versus hierarchisation, valuation, matching and labelling;

- anthologizing as a literary critical and historical strategy, practice in theory of literary studies; anthology as a methodological declaration;

- an anthology – between a work of art and the art of interpretation;

- anthologizing in translation;

- an anthology/anthologizing and editing issues;

- quotation in an anthology, an anthology of quotations, anthologizing versus citing;

- educational and popularizing functions of an anthology and methods of their implementation; textbooks, chrestomathies, memorial book as anthologies;

- collections of anthologies in archives.

We also highly welcome articles for the section titled: “Philology in use”, where we publish original interpretations of short pieces of writing or translations, or innovative analyses of research matters. The articles for this section do not necessarily need to be related to the subject matter of the issue.

The articles, from 22,000 to 37,000 characters long (notes and blank spaces included), should be submitted until April 15th, 2021 via our website https://www.journals.polon.uw.edu.pl/index.php/pfl/about/submissions, registration required. It is advised to read “Author Guidelines”.

Editorial Office


Application deadline for participants:
Added on:
28 October 2020; 21:52 (Piotr Bordzoł)
Edited on:
28 October 2020; 21:52 (Piotr Bordzoł)

See also


Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory

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