Polish Studies Newsletter


Added on: 06.11.2019

Winners of the Foundation for Polish Science Prize

The Foundation for Polish Science has awarded three prizes "for special scientific achievements and discoveries that push the boundaries of cognition and open new cognitive perspectives, make an outstanding contribution to the civilization and cultural progress of our country and provide Poland with a significant place in addressing the most ambitious challenges of the modern world."

The award in the field of humanities and social sciences was given to Professor Andrzej Wiśniewski from the Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań for developing the concept of inferential logic of questions. The concept will contribute to the development of machine learning, artificial intelligence, improving internet searching engines and database analysis.

Professor Marcin Drąg from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology received an award in the field of chemical sciences and Professor Andrzej Kossakowski from the Institute of Physics of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in the field of mathematical, physical and engineering sciences.

No prize was awarded in the area of ​​life and earth sciences.

The award ceremony will take place on December 4 this year at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Each of the winners will receive 200,000 zlotys.


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Added on:
6 November 2019; 10:37 (Piotr Bordzoł)
Edited on:
15 November 2019; 13:09 (Piotr Bordzoł)
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