Comics in Culture/Culture in Comics
The aim of the conference is to present a wide array of perspectives of different forms of comics and their role in culture. Comics, as a unique combination of literature and visual arts, spanning from child entertainment, through popculture, to independent artistic expression, are a great source of interdisciplinary research. This is why we welcome entries on variety of topics exploring the relations between them and culture.

We welcome proposals from all disciplines. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following themes and subject areas:
- adaptations of comics
- comic cons
- comics and the culture of convergence
- comics and the quotidian
- comics as a medium of culture
- comics as objects of study
- DIY culture and comics
- multicultural comics
- subculture and comics
- the culture of comics
- the role of comics in culture
- the role of culture in comics
250-word proposals should be submitted to knfa@swps.edu.pl by March 31, 2016. Notification of acceptance will be sent by April 15, 2016.
Proposals may be in Word, RTF, or PDF formats with the following information and in this order:
a) author(s),
b) affiliation,
c) email address,
d) title of proposal,
e) body of proposal,
f) up to five keywords.E-mails should be entitled: Comics in Culture Abstract.
There will be a possibility to submit articles to Kultura Popularna (a call for papers in the field of comics is planned)
Conference organizers:
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
English Studies Research Group
Joanna Hebda
Emma Oki
Scientific committee:
Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pędich
Mirosław Filiciak
Ian Hague
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Chodakowska 19/31
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