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Added on: 07.12.2020
Literature studies

From the House of the Slave to the Home of the Brave. The Motif of Home in Poetry by Black Women since the late 1960s


Kategoria: Filologie obce

Autorzy: Jerzy Kamionowski

Rok wydania: 2019

Numer ISBN: 978-83-7431-592-0

Liczba stron: 169

Format: B5, oprawa twarda

Wydawncitwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku

Jerzy Kamionowski’s book is an innovative continuation of motifs within the Polish American studies in the field pertaining to African American literature and culture. It brings together the traditions of black art, music, and literature with a living contemporary experience. Despite the wide range of techniques, approaches, themes, and subjects analyzed, From the House of the Slave to the Home of the Brave maintains throughout a consistent, logical, and orderly argument. Th e discussion succeeds in demonstrating the artistic power of the works of contemporary black women, who combine aesthetic innovation and sensitivity in order to build a historical and political consciousness of the whole black community.
(dr hab. Kacper Bartczak, prof. UŁ)

From the House of the Slave to the Home of the Brave is (...) a successful attempt to present in a synthetic way a crucial motif of contemporary poetry by African American women. Kamionowski anchors his argument within literary as well as social and historical contexts. He treats the motif of home as an element of the literary imaginary that provides a unique key to understanding important aspects of the collective experience of black Americans, especially women. Jerzy Kamionowski has been writing on African American poetry for many years, and his new book confi rms his expertise in this field.
(dr hab. Marek Paryż, prof. UW)


Year of publication:
Added on:
7 December 2020; 18:49 (Paweł Wojciechowski)
Edited on:
23 January 2021; 18:28 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also

Literature studies

Gender, Generations, and Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond

Author/Editor: Anna Artwińska, Agnieszka Mrozik

Communism in twentieth-century Europe is predominantly narrated as a totalitarian movement and/or regime. This book aims to go beyond this narrative and provide an alternative framework to describe the communist past. This reframing is possible thanks to the concepts of generation and gender, which are used in the book as analytical categories in an intersectional overlap.


Reassessing Communism. Concepts, Culture, and Society in Poland, 1944-1989

Author/Editor: Katarzyna Chmielewska, Agnieszka Mrozik, Grzegorz Aleksander Wołowiec

The thirteen authors of this collective work undertook to articulate matter-of-fact critiques of the dominant narrative about communism in Poland while offering new analyses of the concept, and also examining the manifestations of anticommunism. Approaching communist ideas and practices, programs and their implementations, as an inseparable whole, they examine the issues of emancipation, upward social mobility, and changes in the cultural canon.


Jacek Partyka,Disarchiving Anguish.Charles Reznikoff and the Modalities of Witnessing


The book examines the modalities of witnessing in the works of Charles Reznikoff. Associated with the so-called “Objectivist” group created in New York in the early 1930s, Reznikoff is often called a poet-witness because the material he draws on in his poetry and, to a lesser extent in prose, comes from his observations of urban life and from authentic testimonies he found in archives. Yet, the process of turning eye-witnessed situations and contents of depositions given by other witnesses into literary texts is far from objective. In particular, Reznikoff’s use of archival material is informed by subtly camouflaged manipulation. To demonstrate various degrees of this change, the book centers on a comparative juxtaposition of the poet’s works with the original documents.


Modal Adverbs in English and Polish

Author/Editor: Agata Rozumko

Kategoria: FILOLOGIE OBCE Autorzy: AGATA ROZUMKO Rok wydania: 2019 Numer ISBN: 978-83-7431-559-3 Liczba stron: 592 Format: B5, oprawa twarda

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