Polish Studies Newsletter
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Filologia polska - studia magisterskie (stacjonarne)

stationary The Institute of Polish Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of UKSW WNH_UKSW

Program studiów II stopnia na kierunku filologia polska pozwala pogłębić wiedzę w zakresie historii literatury, zwłaszcza najnowszej, metodologii badań literackich i językowych. Umożliwia doskonalenie kompetencji językowych i komunikacyjnych, a także intensywny rozwój w ramach wybranej przez siebie specjalności. Program stwarza możliwość łączenia studiów z praktyką zawodową lub dodatkowymi studiami na innych kierunkach i uczelniach europejskich. Pozwala zdobywać doświadczenia w pracy artystycznej i dziennikarskiej.


Polish philology - undergraduate (full-time) studies

stationary The Institute of Polish Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of UKSW WNH_UKSW

The Polish philology studies program includes knowledge of  history and theory of literature as well as knowledge of language. There are numerous classes to choose from, devoted to  film, theater, editing, contemporary literature, language communication and more. Students can acquire basic humanistic knowledge, broaden their horizons and develop the intellectual work skills necessary in many historical, social and artistic disciplines. They can participate in specialized classes, the completion of which is confirmed by an entry in the diploma.


Postgraduate Contemporary Editing Study at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (CSWU)

extramural studies The Institute of Polish Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of UKSW WNH_UKSW

The goal of the Postgraduate Contemporary Editing Study CSWU is to learn how to edit and revise texts, publish them in electronic form as e-books, on websites, administrative, state, governmental or private panels, in magazines, as well as prepare scientific papers and any documents.

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