A Lyrical Poet as a Political Writer. The Captive Mind by Czeslaw Milosz - A talk by Prof. Bozena Shallcross and Prof. Andrzej Karcz
The year 2021 marks 110 years since the birth of Czesław Miłosz and 70 years since he escaped communist Poland to seek political asylum in France. Leading scholars Professors Bożena Shallcross of the University of Chicago, and Andrzej Karcz, PAN, will discuss Milosz’s “The Captive Mind” in the webinar “A Lyrical Poet as a Political Writer” held on June 25.

FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2021, AT 2:00PM
As the author of The Captive Mind, a book of essays on politics and postwar Polish intellectuals who embraced communism, Czesław Miłosz was labeled "a political writer." While acknowledging that some of his writings were political indeed, he distanced himself from them and defied this arbitrary classification. After all, he considered himself – and he truly was – a lyrical poet. What is the place of The Captive Mind in Miłosz's literary output, then? To answer this question, the lecture will explore the work's main features and discuss some events of the poet's biography and postwar European history.
See also
Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory
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Varieties of Meaning and Content / The third "Context, Cognition and Communication"
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