Polish Studies Newsletter


Date of the event: 22.10.2021 - 23.10.2021
Added on: 06.07.2021


Type of the event:

The Institute of Polish Language and The Institute of German Studies, University of Warsaw, and the Polish Language Foundation invite you to the 7th conference “Keywords”, which will be held on October 22th-23th, 2021, at the University of Warsaw

The conference is devoted to keywords in the public discourse and the methods of their choosing. This theme brings together different methodologies and different levels of analysis of language and discourse, including:
* Statistics linguistics
* Corpus linguistics and linguistic engineering
* Media studies
* Lexicology and lexicography

By combining different methods and experiences, we will describe the keywords of contemporary public discourse. Our expertise comes from daily, weekly, and monthly reports in “Words in time” project (http://www.slowanaczasie.uw.edu.pl) and the “The word of the year” poll. We will look with interest at similar projects in other countries.

Our plenary speaker will be prof. Mikhail Epstein from Emory University, the head of the Russian group “Slovo goda”.

Conference languages: Polish, German and English. Interpreting will be provided for the plenary sessions.

Abstracts: We invite you to submit your abstract by August 31st, 2021, by application form: https://forms.gle/DSMtavgByoLYnJJ17 or by mail to slowa.klucze.uw@gmail.com.

The abstract should include:
* Title
* 300 words of description
After the anonymous reviews, we will inform you about the paper acceptance by September 6th, 2021.

The conference fee: 270 PLN / 60 EUR payable to Fundacja Języka Polskiego 48 1240 1040 1111 0010 2207 1852

Please, quote your name and the name of the conference (VII Konferencja Słowa klucze) on the transfer order.

Important dates:

* Application deadline: August 31 st, 2021 * Notification of acceptance: September 6th, 2021

* Conference date: October 22th -23th, 2021 Conference Website: http://www.slowanaczasie.uw.edu.pl/en/v-key-words-conference

Conference committee:
Waldemar Czachur,
Marta Czyżewska (Institute of German Studies, UW),
Magdalena Derwojedowa,
Marek Łaziński (Institute of Polish Lnguage, UW),
Agnieszka Dryjańska (Institute of Romance Studies, UW),
Magdalena Wanot-Miśtura (Polish Language Foundation)


Application deadline for speakers:
Opłata za konferencję w formie tradycyjnej: 270 PLN/60 EUR
Added on:
6 July 2021; 15:45 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
6 July 2021; 16:00 (Mariola Wilczak)
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