Polish Studies Newsletter


Date of the event: 01.05.2021 - 01.09.2021
Added on: 27.04.2021

Kremenets Comparative Studies

Type of the event:
Call for papers

aras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Kremenets (Ukraine) invites you to submit a paper to the 11th annual scientific journal “Kremenets Comparative Studies”.

The aim of the scientific journal is to unite philologists in order to exchange opinions on modern researches of literary and linguistic phenomena in a comparative aspect.


  • 01.08.2021. – submission of materials and applications.
  • 01.10.2021. – notification of acceptance of the articles.
  • 15.10.2021. – payment for printing the articles and postal charges.
  • December, 2021. – postal distribution of the scientific journal to the authors and libraries.

The expected term of publishing – November, 2021.


Application deadline for speakers:
Added on:
27 April 2021; 17:16 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
27 April 2021; 17:20 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


"The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects" - call for papers

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"The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects" - call for papers

The scientific issue “The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects” is an educational journal that is dedicated to the problems of training specialists in various fields of study, a wide range of issues of innovative developing modern education and scientific research in this line.


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VIII wydanie zbioru prac naukowych „Krzemienieckie Studia Komparatystyczne”

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