Polish Studies Newsletter



Strefa WolnoSłowa

Address: Stół Powszechny - kawiarnia i przestrzeń warsztatowa w Teatrze Powszechnym im. Zygmunta Hübnera
ul. Jana Zamoyskiego 20, 03-801 Warszawa
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STREFA WOLNOSLOWA was founded by a team of young people specialized in theater, literature, photography, cultural animation, cultural and artistic projects, as well as in film and travel journalism.

Its goal is to organize theater, artistic, cultural and educational activities aimed at intercultural and intergenerational dialogue. Through international artistic projects, interdisciplinary activities and initiatives involving refugees and immigrants living in Poland Strefa WolnoSłowa promotes intercultural dialogue,


Added on:
28 November 2019; 13:13 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
28 November 2019; 13:13 (Mariola Wilczak)
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