Polish Studies Newsletter


Added on: 03.03.2022


We invite Ukrainian researchers interested in visiting the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN) to apply for a stay through the International Relation Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

IBL PAN's departments are situated in Warsaw, Poznań and Toruń.

General conditions:

a) expenses related to travel and stay of the Ukrainian scientists in the units of the PAS will be covered by the PAS;

b) duration of the stay in the units of the PAS up to 3 months with possibility of extension, if necessary.

See more details about the funding.

Apply to collaborate with us in the following areas

(This is not a closed list and we invite other scholars whose interests are within the humanities domain to contact us):

  1. Literary studies and cultural studies:

literary theory, cultural analysis, philological research, Holocaust studies, gender studies, lexicographical research,

  1. Digital humanities:

computational approaches to literature, including text and data mining, computational analysis, or sociological approaches to literary data (network analysis);

  1. Digital scholarly editions and monographs:

we invite literary scholars to prepare a scholarly edition or monograph using our infrastructure;

  1. Bibliographical studies, metadata in the humanities and cultural heritage:

bibliography compiling; cataloging; metadata curation and research in the humanities and cultural heritage; metadata-based computational research; data processing, analysis, engineering;

  1. Digital and Media History of the Cold War

dissident communication networks, cultural transfer across the Iron Curtain, international broadcasting, Cold War media history and archeology;

  1. Scholarly communication:

innovative forms, genres, and services; evaluation challenges, business models;

  1. Meta-research in digital humanities:

analysis of how contemporary research practices change thanks to digital technologies.

If you would like to suggest collaboration in other areas, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Julia Wójcik-Górska (julia.wojcik-gorska@ibl.waw.pl) is the Institute's coordinator. If you are interested in applying for the fellowship at IBL PAN, you can get in touch also with Dr Kajetan Mojsak (IBL PAN): kajetan.mojsak@ibl.waw.pl.

Detailed information (in three languages: Polish, English, Ukrainian) can be found in the attached file (in .pdf format).


Added on:
3 March 2022; 11:47 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
3 March 2022; 12:43 (Mariola Wilczak)
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