Polish Studies Newsletter



prof. Laura Quercioli

Fields: Literaturoznawstwo


July 2018: National scientific habilitation to Full Professor

Since December 2011: Associate Professor of Polish Literature, University of Genoa, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures.

Academic Year 2009/10 and 2010/11: Lecturer on Contract of Contemporary Jewish Literature, degree programme in Jewish Studies, Italian Rabbinical College.

Academic Year 2003/4 - 2009/10: Lecturer of Jewish History and Culture in Slavic countries, Department of European and Intercultural Studies, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Academic Year 2004/5: (University “La Sapienza”) Lecturer on Contract of Polish Literature; Lecturer on Contract of Yiddish, degree programme in Jewish Studies, Italian Rabbinical College,

Academic Year 2002/2003: Lecturer on Contract of Polish, University of , Tor Vergata.


2008: University of Stettin (Poland): Ph.D. in Literary Sciences. Title of Doctoral Dissertation: Lands of Survivors. Post-war Jewish Literature in Poland and Italy (Ojczyzny ocalonych. Powojenna literatura żydowska w Polsce i we Włoszech). 

1984: University of Rome “La Sapienza”: Degree in Modern Foreign Languages – Polish. Title of dissertation: Galician Trilogy by Julian Stryjkowski. 




2004-2009: Academic Jewish Studies in Europe Grant. Scholarship awarded for the creation of a university programme on Jewish studies. 

Member of the Editorial board of “Pl.it. Rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi”; member of the Scientific Board of: LEO – Laboratorio Est-Ovest (book series directed by Luigi Marinelli, Lithos publisher - Rome), “Prace Literaturoznacze” journal of the University of Olsztyn; “Quaderni di Palazzo Serra” Department of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Genoa; “Naracje o Zagladzie”, of the Slask Uniwersity.

Editor of peer reviewed journal «La Rassegna Mensile di Israel» and member of the journal’s Managing Board. 

2012: Awarded with the “Bene Merito” Medal by the Polish Foreign Ministry for contributing to the propagation of Polish culture in the world.


Her research area mostly follows a comparative approach to Polish- and Jewish studies. An intrinsic component of her investigations is a dynamic interaction between majority and minority (national, religious, ethnic) groups, centre and periphery, political power and powerlessness. 

In the last three years, she has been a member of University of Genoa’s interdepartmental working group on literature and visual arts, intermediality, and transmediality. In particular: photography and literary texts, images and representation/interpretation of the national past. 

July 2017-July 2019, she was the recipient of a two year grant by the Italian Institute of Germanic Studies on Intermediality, History, Memory and Myth. Path of Contemporary Art in Germany and Poland.


via Lorenzo Valla 40 00152 Roma
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