Search results
- The Institute of the Lithuanian Language
- University of Bern
- The University of Lodz
- Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology
- The Multidimensionality of Translational Hermeneutics
- Exilic Space in the Works of E. M. Cioran, Witold Gombrowicz, Saint-John Perse, Giorgio de Chirico, and Andrei Tarkovsky
- the University of Milan
- Postgraduate Contemporary Editing Study at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (CSWU)
- DARIAH Working Group on Research Data Management
- "International Journal of Slavic Studies.Transgressive, Pragmatic and Speculative Horizons of Popular Literature and Culture" (nr 2, 2020)
- PolEval – konkurs dla narzędzi informatycznych do przetwarzania języka polskiego
- Kurs "Język polski i kultura polska"
- Stypendia podoktorskie PASIFIC
- A Rocker Professor