Biuletyn Polonistyczny


Data wydarzenia: 20.10.2016 - 21.10.2016
Data dodania: 13.03.2016

Quest for Form. The international conference of the series "Poetry Translation – Negotiating of Imagination"

Typ wydarzenia:

In 2012 the discussion was opened with quest and negotiation of poetry articulated in various

languages and paradigms of imagination that is visible in the poetic form too. The

determinants of form are not only the metre factors but also polysemiotic influences.

1. Realization of the historical metrical arrangement (metrum, rythm, rhyme, homophony,

onomatopoeias) – question concerning anachronic, and its modern character.

2. Intersemiotic character of the translation – music/ performance (poem musicality, graphical

quest, visuality, concrete poetry).

3. Metaphor – the metaphor contextualization as an instrument of the historical poetics, the

redefinition attempt, a quest for metaphorical equivalence in the translation.

4.The influence of context on the poetic form of the translation – the quest for the

domestication, the antique paradigms, the quest for the role of the title, the motto, the

quotation; the evaluation of the reception status and its influence on the form – the reception

role of the poetry, intertextuality.


Data zgłaszania prelegentów:
29.06.2016 22:00
Słowa kluczowe:
Data dodania:
13 marca 2016; 14:38 (Małgorzata Burta)
Data edycji:
7 czerwca 2016; 12:27 (Sylwia Pikula)

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