Biuletyn Polonistyczny


Data wydarzenia: 22.09.2020 - 25.09.2020
Data dodania: 05.11.2019

Towards Culture(s) of Dialogue? Communicating Unity in/and Diversity through Language and Discourse / międzynarodowa konferencja IADA 2020 / Discourse, Dialogicity & Dialogue (DDD)

Typ wydarzenia:

Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW wspólnie z International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA) zaprasza do udziału w międzynarodowej konferencji IADA 2020 / Discourse, Dialogicity & Dialogue (DDD): "Towards Culture(s) of Dialogue? Communicating Unity in/and Diversity through Language and Discourse", która odbędzie się w Warszawie w dniach 22-25 września 2020 roku.

Zgłoszenia będą przyjmowane do 29 lutego 2020 r.

Informacje na temat konferencji dostępne są na stronie


Data zgłaszania uczestników:
Słowa kluczowe:
Data dodania:
5 listopada 2019; 17:39 (Mariola Wilczak)
Data edycji:
15 listopada 2019; 13:07 (Mariola Wilczak)

Zobacz także


Fourth International Communication Styles Conference

Communication Styles conference is the fourth in the series of biannual conferences which were initiated in 2013 and took place in Krosno in Poland. So far  the conferences have a publication record with a collection of articles entitled Culture’s Software: Communication Styles (Cambridge Scholars 2015), a special issue of the Styles of Communication journal (9:1; 2017) and an issue of Tertium Linguistic Journal (3.1; 2018).


PoSoCoMeS panels at the Memory Studies Association 2022 online conference

This year, in addition to the onsite convention in Seoul, the MSA conference will have an online edition organized by Working and Regional groups, which will take place on July 11-12. The PoSoCoMeS is planning a double panel with the topic of Dialogic Memories of the 1970-90s ‘Transitions’ Across the World: Current Practices and Possible Solidarities.


Between clarity and fuzziness.Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts / 5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Culture

Konferencja odbędzie się 27 listopada wyłącznie w trybie zdalnym. Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń upływa 6 listopada. Konferencja w całości odbywa się w języku angielskim.


DARIAH Virtual Exchange Session: The Scholarly Primitives of Scholarly Meetings

This online exhibition of resources and ideas exploring the many primitives of and issues surrounding scholarly meetings, organised by DARIAH-EU, will be open from 21 until 28 May 2020. The exhibition will act as a pool of prompts and provocations for thought and conversation, a dialogue that will culminate in a 2-hour synchronous virtual exchange session on the 28th (from 14:00-16:00 UTC+1).

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