Wyniki wyszukiwania
- 5th "Andalusian Slavic Studies Workdays" International Conference
- Word in Education. Moral Upbringing through Arts and Literature / IVth International Congress
- Multidisciplinary research: cultural and social anthropology, ethnolinguistics, indigenous studies
- The Culture of Neural Networks. Synthetic Literature and Art in (Not Only) the Czech and Slovak Context
- Fundacja Auschwitz / Auschwitz Stichting
- V International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Professionalism of the Teacher within Educational Innovations”
- Research in the Arts, the Arts in Research
- Profesor nadzwyczajny w Zakładzie Edytorstwa i Stylistyki
- PoSoCoMeS panels at the Memory Studies Association 2022 online conference
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
- Convention and Revolution: Life writing by women in the 1800s and 1900s: archives, critiques and methods
- CLARIN Café III - CLARIN for Researchers: Literary Studies (prowadzący: kierownik CHC IBL PAN – dr Maciej Maryl)
- Cluster on “Remembering Late Socialism in Autobiographical Novels and Autofictions from Central and Eastern Europe”
- Digital Humanities 2020
- Inscripton. An Anthology 1