DARIAH Code Sprint 2019
W dniach 24-26 września w Berlinie odbędzie się DARIAH Code Sprint 2019, organizowany w ramach projektu DESIR. Będzie on poświęcony metadanym bibliograficznym.

Szczegółowe informacje o wydarzeniu znajdują się na stronie https://desircodesprint.sciencesconf.org/ .
The DARIAH code sprint will again be organised by the DESIR project, an offspring project of DARIAH-EU tasked with developing sustainability approaches for the DARIAH research infrastructure in terms of technological and organisational matters. The code sprint is an opportunity to bring together interested developers, DH-affiliated people, not only from the wide DARIAH community.
We will have three tracks approaching the wider topic of bibliographical metadata from three angles: Data extraction from PDFs (GROBID), data import and processing applying BibSonomy and data visualisation. The connecting brace is to work with the same bibliographical data through the process and to improve the interoperability within the tools.
Although this is already our second code sprint it is not exclusively addressed to participants of the first code sprint. Everyone is welcome! An affiliation to coding in the DH or in general technological discussions would be helpful.
The DARIAH Code Sprint 2019 will take place in Berlin from 24 to 26 September 2019. More detailed information about the location can be found here.
The documentation of the first DARIAH Code Sprint can be found on this page under Documentation of the first Code Sprint.
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