DARIAH-EU Annual Event
This year's DARIAH-EU Annual Event will take place 26-27 April, Berlin, Germany.
The DARIAH-EU Annual Event is open beyond the DARIAH community. It features a series of engaging keynote lectures and interactive sessions, which bring together researchers, technologists, data scientists and cultural heritage professionals. Additionally the DARIAH Annual Event enables colleagues to work together face-to-face on their DARIAH activities, e.g. in Working Group meetings.

This year: focus on sustainability
This year's event will focus on the subject of sustainability of Research Infrastructures, which will be emphasized by a series of workshops on the topic. A first confirmed keynote speaker is Roxane Wyns, she will be speaking on "From paper to digits. Challenges and opportunities of Digital research". For more information go to the event page.This year's DARIAH-EU Annual Event will take place 26-27 April, Berlin, Germany.
Recap 1st DARIAH-EU Annual Event
The first DARIAH-EU Annual Meeting took place 10-12 October 2016 in Ghent, Belgium. For more detailed information go to the archived event page and watch a short video (below) summarising the event.
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