Pезультаты поиска
- Adiunkt w Zakładzie Retoryki i Mediów
- Research in the Arts, the Arts in Research
- Современные инструменты продвижения учебной и исследовательской деятельности Института литературных исследований ПАН и Института польской филологии ФГУ УКСВ
- Adiunkt w Zakładzie Językoznawstwa Komputerowego
- The Anthropocene: from boundaries to bonds. Interdisciplinary crossovers in knowledge development
- FAIR Heritage: Digital Methods, Scholarly Editing and Tools for Cultural and Natural Heritage (virtual meeting)
- Centrum Badań Dyskursów Postzależnościowych
- Authored Cultures / Authoring Cultures Negotiating Control over Media Texts
- The Bourgeois Public Discusses Art II: Arts and their Publics in Central Europe Between Regional and European Centres
- Cultural Literacy & Cosmopolitan Conviviality / CLE Biennial Conference 2019
- Shaping new ways to open the book. A workshop of the HIRMEOS project
- PUBMET2020 / The 7th Conference on Scholarly Communication and Publishing in the Context of Open Science
- „Logopaedica Lodziensia”. Tom 1
- Crossroads II Conference: City/Non-City
- 4th Annual Conference in Games and Literary Theory