Polish Studies Newsletter

Article / interview


Landscape Study on Citizen Science (CS) Funding in Social Science and Humanities (SSH)

This survey addresses all people engaged or willing to engage in citizen science (CS) or participatory research projects involving disciplines from the social sciences and the humanities (SSH) fields. The survey is part of the research conducted by the European COESO Project (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101006325) on 'Collaborative Engagement on Societal Issues' (Horizon 2020 REF: 101006325). COESO gathers 15 partners from 6 different European countries. One of its main objectives is to work with funders to innovate funding schemes for citizen science in SSH.

The survey is completely anonymous, as we do not collect any personal data or any data that allows respondents to be identified. In this case, in accordance with the European Regulation 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), NO informed consent from respondents is required. The results will be processed in accordance with the GDPR. Ibercivis Foundation is the entity responsible for the management of the survey.

Outcomes will be made public on the upcoming COESO website. You can subscribe to our newsletters (OPERAS https://www.operas-eu.org/operas-newsletter/ and ECSA https://ecsa.citizen-science.net/about-us/news/), if you wish to be kept up to date.

For more questions about COESO you can write to the project coordinators pierre[dot]mounier[at]openedition[dot]org and alessia[dot]smaniotto[at]openedition[dot]org.

Filling out the survey takes from 8 to 10 minutes.

You can submit your response before 15 April.


Added on:
30 March 2021; 12:29 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
30 March 2021; 13:12 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


OPERAS business models survey on open access books




The European Commission will finance the project TRIPLE (Targeting Researchers through Innovative Practices and multiLingual Exploration) under the Horizon 2020 framework with approx. 5,6 million Euros for a duration of 42 months. TRIPLE will be a dedicated service of the OPERAS research infrastructure and will become a strong service in the EOSC marketplace. TRIPLE will help social sciences and humanities (SSH) research in Europe to gain visibility, to be more efficient and effective, to improve its reuse within the SSH and beyond, and to dramatically increase its societal impact. Work is expected to start this fall.


Israeli Universities' Emergency Fellowships for Ukrainians

Below is a list of Israeli Universities/institutions of higher learning that offer emergency fellowships for scholars/students from Ukraine. The list will get updated as more universities and departments join in every day. There are also several individual scholars or labs that are willing to offer fellowships. I will update the list when I get more info from them. You can also contact me directly and i will do my best to help you navigate the system: innale@openu.ac.il.


Competition for scholarships for researchers from Ukraine

The competition is an expression of solidarity with the Ukrainian academic community and is intended to support the best researchers from Ukraine. The main goal of the competition is to enable researchers to come to the University of Lodz to conduct research, which will consequently contribute to strengthening the scientific potential and development of our University.

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