Polish Studies Newsletter

Article / interview


Israeli Universities' Emergency Fellowships for Ukrainians

Below is a list of Israeli Universities/institutions of higher learning that offer emergency fellowships for scholars/students from Ukraine. The list will get updated as more universities and departments join in every day. There are also several individual scholars or labs that are willing to offer fellowships. I will update the list when I get more info from them. You can also contact me directly and i will do my best to help you navigate the system: innale@openu.ac.il.

  1. Tel Aviv University – Emergency Scholarship for Research Students from Ukraine Call for Applications


In the name of academic freedom and in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, Tel Aviv University (TAU) established an emergency fund to support research students from Ukraine.  TAU is offering to host up to 20 research students from Ukrainian universities in all disciplines for a full semester at TAU.  During their stay at TAU, scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to further their research through collaboration with TAU’s leading scholars and scientists.

Program Outline

  1. The program is intended for Postdoctoral students, PhD students, and research-track MA\MSc students currently enrolled in a university in Ukraine in any discipline.
  2. Students must be Ukrainian citizens to apply.
  3. Students must be able to communicate effectively in English.
  4. Scholarship recipients will be invited to come to TAU soon after notification of acceptance and to remain for up to six months.
  5. The university will match each scholarship recipient with a TAU faculty member who will serve as the student’s mentor while at TAU.
  6. The scholarship will cover full tuition and a stipend.


Please email the following material to Ms. Michal Linder at TAU International - Intlprojects@tauex.tau.ac.il

  1.  1-page (up to 500 words) statement describing research.
  2.  Letter of recommendation from advisor.
  3.  Document showing active status at home university in Ukraine.


Applications will be considered on a rolling basis effective immediately and until further notice.

2.  Feinberg Graduate School at the Weizmann Institute of Science – Supported visiting students and postdocs program for Ukrainians


Институт Вайцмана принимает студентов последних курсов института-магистратуры, аспирантуры и научных сотрудников разных дисциплин из Украины. Программа рассчитана максимум на полгода, есть жилье, помощь с билетами и стипендия. Необходимо предоставить резюме, форму (смотреть по ссылке), оценки и копию паспорта. С вопросами можно обращаться к координаторам по дисциплинам (указано по ссылке) на ангилийском языке, или к Яне (+972545680153, ватсап) на русском. Студентами с неполными заявлениями (например, не имеющим возможности предоставить выписку с оценками), стоит тоже подать документы на рассмотрение.

The Feinberg Graduate School at the Weizmann Institute of Science invites advanced undergraduate, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers to apply to our supported Visiting Students Program. The program welcomes students from Life Sciences, Mathematics & Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, and Science Teaching to apply. Visitors will be hosted at one of our labs and will get monthly support of 5000 NIS for up to six months + accommodations + airfare.

Please contact our program coordinators given below to apply or obtain more information. The application material should include, if possible:

·        CV: Your CV should include information about prior experience with experimental or theoretical research, where relevant.

·        Copy of your passport (i.e., copy of the page that displays your details and photo).

·        Transcript (with your university's logo): You should submit an official transcript signed by the appropriate authority at your university.

·        Up to one page of a personal note about yourself and your academic aspirations and scientific interests.

·        Please complete the table below

We understand that you might not solicit all the above material, so we would consider your application even if you have only part of the above material. We plan to do everything that we can to expedite the acceptance procedure. Once the application has been processed, our board of study for each discipline would assist you in finding a host faculty (PI) closely related to your field of research or interest.

The list of coordinators appear on the website. Alternatively, you can also write directly to the Head of our International Office, Aileen Halbershtat aileen.halbershtat@weizmann.ac.il, for further assistance.

3. Ukraine Emergency Fellowship at U of Haifa, preference for female scholar with children in Humanities, Social Science, or Law

Ukraine Emergency Fellowship at the Haifa Center for German and European Studies of the University of Haifa

We are offering one one-year fellowship in residence at the Haifa Center for German and European Studies for one scientist from Ukraine with a background in the Humanities, social sciences or law (with a doctorate). The fellowship holder should work on aspects of modern European history and have a conversational command of English. We will be flexible concerning the scope and area of studies (Europe in its wider dimensions).

Preference will be given to female scientists who had to flee the country with their children.

Starting date: as soon as possible

The fellowship will include the flight as well as a stipend of 30.000 US dollars for the year.

The fellowship is paid by funds of the German Academic Exchange Service – the DAAD – and the personal funds of the head of the center. We hope that others around the world will follow our example and give these people in need a home from where they can regroup in dignity, continue their careers, and can continue to be part of the academic and social leadership of Ukraine, if only from a safe distance.

If you are interested and think you might meet the criteria, please contact us at hcges@univ.haifa.ac.il.

* This fellowship does not confer refugee status! We will have to obtain a regular visa for

post-doctoral fellows.

4. The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

























5. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem























Added on:
10 March 2022; 12:32 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
10 March 2022; 12:40 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


Competition for scholarships for researchers from Ukraine

The competition is an expression of solidarity with the Ukrainian academic community and is intended to support the best researchers from Ukraine. The main goal of the competition is to enable researchers to come to the University of Lodz to conduct research, which will consequently contribute to strengthening the scientific potential and development of our University.


Bar-Ilan University stands with students, lecturers, researchers, and academic staff from Ukraine with special assistance

Bar-Ilan University identifies with the challenging situation that the Ukrainian people are facing, and has therefore established a special fund to assist guest researchers, lecturers, undergraduate and graduate students who come to Bar-Ilan University. We invite Ukrainian students to come study in any of our English language degree programs and to integrate into our existing research groups. Ukrainian and Russian speaking students can be mentored in their native language by Bar-Ilan students, thus ensuring a smoother absorption into campus life. Additionally, the university’s clinic networks are available to provide any necessary emotional, social or legal assistance if so needed.


Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)

We are a group of cultural heritage professionals – librarians, archivists, researchers, programmers – working together to identify and archive at-risk sites, digital content, and data in Ukrainian cultural heritage institutions while the country is under attack. We are using a combination of technologies to crawl and archive sites and content, including the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, the Browsertrix crawler and the ArchiveWeb.page browser extension and app of the Webrecorder project.


Art in the Places of Death. An interview with Prof. Halina Taborska

"Halina Taborska's book (...) is a peculiar study of the aesthetics of an anti-humanistic act. In fact it introduces such "aesthetics" to the readers, and we are presented with a very carefully prepared documentation of various objects, material and spatial shapes, "installations", murals, museum organizations and documentary activities. These are various shapes in the public space which mediate our perception of an unimaginable crime or "blinding” shapes that protect us from the damages of seeing it again. By bringing this collection of practices together, the book shows their character and multiplicity. The research material gathered in the publication and the scholarly approach make it a must-read not only in the study of war crimes in Europe, but also in the study of symbolic representation of mass crimes - especially in the field of cultural studies, cultural anthropology and art history.” (Prof. Jan Stanisław Wojciechowski, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw - excerpt from the review on the cover).

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