Polish Studies Newsletter

Article / interview


Words of support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people

Today we have no words. Our thoughts and hearts remain with our friends and associates from Ukraine.

Voices of support and solidarity with the Ukrainian nation are coming from everywhere. We are trying to keep you informed about it on Facebook. Below we present what have been sent to our editorial team today: from our parent Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Polish Writers' Association, the Polish PEN Club and the Council of University of Łódź.

In the face of Russian aggression violating the state sovereignty of Ukraine, we express our solidarity with the entire Ukrainian nation, in particular with Ukrainian humanists, with whom the Institute cooperates in many fields, including "Polish Studies Newsletter" and the Olympiad of Polish Literature and Language for secondary schools.

Please accept our support.

Directors, The Council and the Staff of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Members of the Polish Writers' Association and non-affiliated authors are deeply moved by the open aggression against Ukraine.

At such a moment, we feel how much the great work to promote the Ukrainian language was needed and how important was the development of culture in recent decades. For years we have watched with growing admiration the real flourishing of Ukrainian literature. Thanks to the work of translators and direct contacts, we saw the enormous and growing potential of Ukrainian artists. We admired poetry and prose: for maturity, references to the tradition of Ukrainian literature, for narrative skills and the ability to transform current conflicts into great literature. These are not political facts, however, they mean a lot in the current state of historical trial. Any acts that undermine Ukrainian separateness are groundless.

We are with you.

Warsaw, February 24, 2022

Anna Nasiłowska, prof. dr hab., President of the Polish Writers Association

Letter of the Polish PEN Club to PEN Ukraine

23rd February, 2022

Dear Friends,

In face of the deadly threat to the independence, territorial integrity and sovereign statehood of Ukraine – we stand with You.

We are well aware that the actions of the Russian Federation and its president aiming at Ukraine are directed at the fundamental rules of international law which form the grounds for a peaceful world order: an order established at the cost of millions who perished during the World War and millions who fell victim to totalitarianisms.

Through its actions and declarations on Ukraine, Russia is placing itself outside international law, it is distancing itself from the norms laid down in the United Nations Charter and Human Rights Treaties. In violation of its own obligations, whether of the Budapest Memorandum from December 1994 or the of Minsk Agreements – the Russian Federation has renounced any rules of diplomatic law. Judging from the statements made by its president, it is replacing the framework of law with a vision of  permanent warring. Heroism has no place inside this vision, it is simply a cynical vision of a lawless world.

We are well aware of the perils this deadly threat to Ukraine poses also to Poland, Europe and the world. We are well aware that today Your fate and our fate is being decided on Ukrainian soil, as well as the future of the world.

We stand with You.


Лист Польського ПЕН-Клубу до Українського ПЕН-у

23 лютого 2022

Дорогі Друзі,

Перед лицем смертельної загрози для суверенітету, територіяльної цілісності і державної незалежності – ми з Вами.

Ми усвідомлюємо, що дії Російської Федерації та її президента, спрямовані проти України, є порушенням міжнародного правопорядку, що є фундаментом для світового порядку, встановленого коштом мільйонів жертв світової війни і мільйонів жертв тоталітаризмів.

Росія своїми діями і заявами у справі України поставила себе поза міжнародним правом, поза нормами Хартії Об'єднаних націй і прав людини. Порушуючи власні зобов’язання – чи то Будапештського меморандуму з грудня 1994 року, чи мінських домовленостей – Російська Федерація виступає проти юридичних принципів дипломатії. Судячи зі слів президента РФ, закони підмінено візією перманентної боротьби. У цій візії відсутній героїзм, є лише цинічна уява світу, в якому панує беззаконня.

Ми усвідомлюємо, яку велику загрозу також і для Польщі, і для Європи, і для світу несе сьогоднішня трагічна загроза, з якою зіткнулася Україна. Ми розуміємо, що на українській землі сьогодні вирішується Ваша і наша доля, вирішується доля світу.

Ми з Вами.  

Words of solidarity and support to Ukrainian scholars, students and pupils - communication from the University Council of the University of Łódź

In the reality of  Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Council of the University of Łódź expresses their solidarity and support to Ukrainian scientists, students and pupils associated with the University.

The situation after the attack and violation of international law by Russia gives rise to understandable fears of the State about the future of their own, of its relatives and of the motherland. We do not lose hope that the joint efforts of the allies to respect Ukraine's sovereignty and its unlimited right to decide about its own future will bring expected results. We believe that in these difficult conditions, the Community of the University of Łódź will demonstrate its concern for your good and will bear witness to the friendship that our nations take pride in. At the same time, we trust that at the University, whose strength lies internationalization, membership in our Community will invariably be a source of satisfaction for everyone. For all of us are united by universal values: respect for the dignity and freedom of individuals and groups. The transnational bond and unity built around it is a guarantee of our success and security.

The Council of The University of Łódź


Вирази солідарності та підтримки українським науковцям, студентам та учням – повідомлення Університетської ради Лодзького університету

У реаліях російської агресії проти України Рада університету висловлює свою солідарність і підтримку українським науковцям, студентам та учням, які причетні до Лодзького Університету.

Ситуація після нападу та порушення Росією міжнародного права викликає у вас зрозумілі побоювання  за своє майбутнє, майбутнє своїх рідних та батьківщини. Ми не втрачаємо надії, що спільні зусилля союзників щодо поваги суверенітету України та її необмеженого права вирішувати власне майбутнє призведуть до очікуваних результатів. Ми віримо, що в цих складних умовах спільнота Лодзького Університету продемонструє свою турботу про ваш добробут і стане свідченням дружби, якою пишаються наші народи. Водночас ми віримо, що в університеті, силою якого є полікультурність, членство в нашій спільноті завжди буде джерелом задоволення для кожного. Усіх нас об’єднують загальнолюдські цінності: повага до гідності та свободи окремих людей та груп. Міжнародні зв’язки і єдність, побудована навколо них, є запорукою нашого успіху та безпеки.

Університетська Рада Лодзького Університету

(źródło: Wyrazy solidarności i wsparcia do ukraińskich uczonych, studentów oraz uczniów – komunikat Rady Uczelni UŁ (lodz.pl))


Key words:
Added on:
24 February 2022; 17:31 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
25 February 2022; 13:41 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


Bar-Ilan University stands with students, lecturers, researchers, and academic staff from Ukraine with special assistance

Bar-Ilan University identifies with the challenging situation that the Ukrainian people are facing, and has therefore established a special fund to assist guest researchers, lecturers, undergraduate and graduate students who come to Bar-Ilan University. We invite Ukrainian students to come study in any of our English language degree programs and to integrate into our existing research groups. Ukrainian and Russian speaking students can be mentored in their native language by Bar-Ilan students, thus ensuring a smoother absorption into campus life. Additionally, the university’s clinic networks are available to provide any necessary emotional, social or legal assistance if so needed.


Israeli Universities' Emergency Fellowships for Ukrainians

Below is a list of Israeli Universities/institutions of higher learning that offer emergency fellowships for scholars/students from Ukraine. The list will get updated as more universities and departments join in every day. There are also several individual scholars or labs that are willing to offer fellowships. I will update the list when I get more info from them. You can also contact me directly and i will do my best to help you navigate the system: innale@openu.ac.il.


Competition for scholarships for researchers from Ukraine

The competition is an expression of solidarity with the Ukrainian academic community and is intended to support the best researchers from Ukraine. The main goal of the competition is to enable researchers to come to the University of Lodz to conduct research, which will consequently contribute to strengthening the scientific potential and development of our University.


Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)

We are a group of cultural heritage professionals – librarians, archivists, researchers, programmers – working together to identify and archive at-risk sites, digital content, and data in Ukrainian cultural heritage institutions while the country is under attack. We are using a combination of technologies to crawl and archive sites and content, including the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, the Browsertrix crawler and the ArchiveWeb.page browser extension and app of the Webrecorder project.

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