Polish Studies Newsletter

Programmes we offer

Deadline for submitting applications:

Postgraduate Contemporary Editing Study at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (CSWU)

Mode of study:
extramural studies
Type of the programme:
After Diplom Studies

The goal of the Postgraduate Contemporary Editing Study CSWU is to learn how to edit and revise texts, publish them in electronic form as e-books, on websites, administrative, state, governmental or private panels, in magazines, as well as prepare scientific papers and any documents.

The study was founded in 2000. Completing it opens the door for candidates to work in cultural, scientific, internet and administrative institutions. It allows the candidates to improve their professional skills and learn some new ones. It provides the basis for the development of personal humanistic interests.

As an academic second degree study, it prepares people with higher education to become editors of books and magazines and to cooperate with publishing and printing companies.

The lecturers are well-known professors - editing specialists, editors, publishers, typographers, writers, artists, performers working in the fields using literature (e.g. film), authors of scientific papers.

On the basis of the number of points collected for exercises, two editorial papers, tests and the final exam prepared independently, the student receives a certificate after completing the course.

Classes last two semesters. They take place in weekend cycles (every 2-3 weeks).

There are no computer exercises in the composition of texts within Search Results

Web search results

Postgraduate Studies in Contemporary Editing. This is done by separate courses: the Academic Typography Course, designed mainly for people with secondary education, and the Academic Font Course.

On the Postgraduate Studies in Contemporary Editing’s website, students receive learning materials and current information, as well as colloquia.

Access to Postgraduate Studies in Contemporary Editing service is only possible upon authorization.


Postgraduate Studies in Contemporary Editing are addressed to the following persons:

• editors: publisher employees and freelancers,

• journalists,

• proofreaders,

• publishers, owners and employees of publishing houses,

• persons responsible for publishing internal publications in companies,

• marketing and advertising department employees,

• employees of advertising companies,

• writers,

• translators,

• teachers,

• printers,

• scientists (especially editors of scientific journals),

• everyone interested in learning a new profession


Tuition fee:
1. rata: 1450 zł (termin wpłaty: po podpisaniu umowy); 2. rata: 1480 zł, w tym 30 zł za świadectwo (termin wpłaty: do 15 lutego)
Duration of the course:
dwa semestry
Added on:
22 November 2019; 19:28 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
4 December 2019; 14:18 (Przemysław Górecki)

See also


Polish philology - undergraduate (full-time) studies

The Polish philology studies program includes knowledge of  history and theory of literature as well as knowledge of language. There are numerous classes to choose from, devoted to  film, theater, editing, contemporary literature, language communication and more. Students can acquire basic humanistic knowledge, broaden their horizons and develop the intellectual work skills necessary in many historical, social and artistic disciplines. They can participate in specialized classes, the completion of which is confirmed by an entry in the diploma.


The Doctoral School of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw

Since 2019/2020, recruitment for studies in the literary sciences discipline has taken place as a recruitment to the Doctoral School Of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (UCSW).


Kurs "Język polski i kultura polska"

Podstawowy kurs języka polskiego dla osób już studiujących (lub pracujących) w Polsce,  którym znajomość języka jest potrzebna ze względów osobistych lub zawodowych. Pożądany poziom znajomości języka: podstawowe zwroty i wyrażenia. Plan kursu przewiduje 30 godzin zajęć o charakterze ogólnym, kształcących wszystkie umiejętności (rozumienie tekstu czytanego, rozumienie tekstu słuchanego, mówienie,  pisanie), 30 godzin profilowanych zgodnie ze studiowanym przez słuchaczy kierunkiem oraz 15 godzin wykładu z zakresu kultury polskiej. Zajęcia prowadzone są przez językoznawców, pracowników naukowo- -dydaktycznych Instytutu Filologii Polskiej UG.


Recruitment for the academic year 2023/2024

The Anthropos Doctoral School at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) is accepting applications for the 2023/2024 academic year. This year the School is opening a call in the following disciplines: archeology (the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAN, the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures PAN), ethnology and cultural anthropology (the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAN), human geography (the Stanisław Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization PAN), history (the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History PAN, the Ludwik and Aleksander Birkenmajer Institute of the History of Science PAN, the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAN), linguistics (the Institute of Polish Language PAN), literary studies (the Institute of Literary Research PAN), cultural anthropology  (the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures PAN), history of art and art sciences (the Institute of Art PAN).

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