Polish Studies Newsletter


Date of the event: 16.09.2020 - 18.09.2020
Added on: 02.05.2020

PUBMET2020 / The 7th Conference on Scholarly Communication and Publishing in the Context of Open Science

Type of the event:
City or town:

We welcome you to take part in PUBMET2020 conference, which strives to present and discuss the plurality of approaches to the scholarly communication, scholarly publishing and assessment (metrics). It will present innovative approaches, best practice discussions and take on future challenges. (http://pubmet.unizd.hr/pubmet2020/)

The organizers aim to maintain lively discussion among experts in various fields involved in scholarly publishing and dissemination of knowledge. The field of scholarly communication, scholarly publishing and metrics includes all disciplines and variety of skills: researchers from different research areas, information specialists and librarians, editors, publishers, educators, students, policy makers, communication specialists and managers. This year the newly founded Croatian Association for Scholarly Communication (CROASC) has joined the organizers of previous PUBMET conferences: University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, and Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb.

Themes of the PUBMET2020 conference include the following:

  • open scholarship (open access to publications and research data, open educational materials, open peer review)

  • digital OA repositories (including next generation repositories), European Open Research Cloud

  • personal data protection, copyright and licencing

  • research assessment (bibliometrics, altmetrics, next generation metrics)

  • digital scholarly publishing (interactive digital publications, multimedia content, semantics, identifiers)

  • editorial practice and ethical questions (editorial policy, standards of editorial work, plagiarism detection, peer-review process, authorship and contributorship)

  • scientific communication (peer-to peer, general public, communicating science to policymakers)

  • ethical issues in science (conflict of interest, human and animal research protection, gender equality).

The organisers of the PUBMET2020 conference invite you to submit extended abstract (600-1200 words plus no more than 8 references). All submissions should be written in English.

Abstract acceptance notification: 30 June 2020


Application deadline for speakers:
Added on:
2 May 2020; 21:07 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
2 May 2020; 21:11 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


Shaping new ways to open the book. A workshop of the HIRMEOS project

The HIRMEOS project (High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure), a project of the OPERAS research infrastructure (operas-eu.org) is organizing a workshop at the ELPUB conference in Marseille on 2 June on the topic of "Shaping new ways to open the book".


OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing 2020

The OASPA 2020 Conference will take place online during the week of Monday 21 – Friday 25 September 2020.


Digital scholarly editing (micro)communities of practices

Digital scholarly editing (DSE) has seen decades of intensive development both in terms of practice and theory. Projects of concrete editions have been carried out in a variety of scales, languages, scholarly disciplines and cultural areas, providing a basis for reflection on the optimal future directions of DSE. A key issue to address is the tension between the bottom-up and the infrastructure approach to proposing DSE solutions, which can be understood as a set of trade-offs: complexity of digital humanities data in specific above mentioned projects vs. the desire to standardize them  more comprehensive but costly customized solutions vs. more simple but accessible solutions that use existing infrastructures.


Innowacja w komunikacji naukowej / otwarte seminarium Centrum Humanistyki Cyfrowej (online)

Spotkanie odbędzie się za pośrednictwem platformy ZOOM. Osoby zainteresowane udziałem proszone są o kontakt pod adresem mailowym: eventCHC@ibl.waw.pl, dzięki czemu organizatorzy prześlą link do spotkania.

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