Polish Studies Newsletter


Date of the event: 09.04.2019 g.17:00
Added on: 02.04.2019

Wykład prof. Marianne Bjelland Kartzow „The Ambiguous Memory of Biblical Women: An Intersectional Approach to Sacred Texts” / spotkanie z cyklu „Duchowość kobiet”

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Zespół "Archiwum Kobiet” serdecznie zaprasza na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Duchowość kobiet”. Tym razem gościć będziemy prof. Marianne Bjelland Kartzow z Uniwersytetu w Oslo, która wygłosi wykład zatytułowany „The Ambiguous Memory of Biblical Women: An Intersectional Approach to Sacred Texts” (wykład poprowadzony zostanie w języku angielskim).

„Women in the Bible” is a mixed category, including queens, prophetess, matriarchs, and foreign saviors, but also prostitutes, slaves, and poor widows. The selection of which women who have been remembered, however, is complex and changing over time. Gender in sacred texts have constructed and authorized cultural norms, and still do. A critical approach to gender constructions in biblical narratives and their receptions reveal clear intersectional tendencies: Slave women have been ignored and silent and modest women who do what they are told, have been preferred. If we look in the margins and read between the lines, we see a broader and more nuanced picture. The ambiguous memory of biblical women may have the potential of talking into and negotiate challenges and needs in our global world today.


Pałac Staszica, ul. Nowy Świat 72, sala 144, Warszawa
bez opłat
Added on:
2 April 2019; 23:03 (Mariola Wilczak)
Edited on:
8 April 2019; 12:29 (Mariola Wilczak)

See also


International Conference "Convention and Revolution. Life writing by women in the 1800s and 1900s: archives, critiques and methods"

Organizers: Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Digital Humanities Laboratory of the University of Warsaw, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences


Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory

Almost 40 years after Nabokov's death his texts continue to function as literary Fabergé eggs in which scholars keep finding hidden surprises and previously overlooked details. As Nabokov wrote in Conclusive Evidence, "the unravelling of a riddle is the purest and most basic act of the human mind." However, readers and critics are divided on the issue of whether Nabokov is a postmodern riddle-maker enjoying the game itself without enabling the player to reach the ultimate solution, or whether the riddles are solvable by a reader astute enough to follow all the sophisticated patterns and allusions which point to Nabokov's metaphysical convictions.


PoSoCoMeS panels at the Memory Studies Association 2022 online conference

This year, in addition to the onsite convention in Seoul, the MSA conference will have an online edition organized by Working and Regional groups, which will take place on July 11-12. The PoSoCoMeS is planning a double panel with the topic of Dialogic Memories of the 1970-90s ‘Transitions’ Across the World: Current Practices and Possible Solidarities.


Memory Studies Association Annual Conference “Convergences”

We welcome proposals for papers, panels, and other events to be presented at the Memory Studies Association’s 2021 annual meeting. As always, the MSA will be a forum for debating all aspects of memory studies.

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