Journal issue no.
Special Issue in English, A Selection of the Decade
Numer specjalny "Tematów i Kontekstów", będący wyborem artykułów z 10-letniej historii czasopisma, został w całości przetłumaczony na język angielski. Redakcja numeru: Jolanta Pasterska, Elżbieta Rokosz, Marek Stanisz.
Selection of the Decade is a special issue of Tematy i Konteksty, a literary studies journal which has been published in Poland since 2011. This special issue is a collection of articles that were published in Polish in former issues of the journal and have now been translated into English to reach English-speaking readers.
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List of contents
Jolanta Pasterska, Elżbieta Rokosz, Marek Stanisz
The First Compendium – on the 10th Anniversary of the Foundation of Tematy i Konteksty
Dorota Korwin-Piotrowska
The Afterlife of Poetics
Teresa Kostkiewiczowa
Poetics Then and Now
Elżbieta Winiecka
Poetics and e-literature
Andrzej Borowski
Pius Vates
Stanisław Siess-Krzyszkowski
Typographical Variants of the Brest Bible
Bernadetta M. Puchalska-Dąbrowska
Bede the Venerable in Polish Religious Prose of the 16th –18th Centuries
Grzegorz Raubo
Fortune-telling Predictions in the Light of Faith and Reason. Religious Aspects of Informacya matematyczna by Wojciech Bystrzonowski
Ewa Skorupa
Literary Narratives on Collections
Jarosław Ławski
Projectional Interpretation: Bolesław Prus’s Reading of Zdania i uwagi by Adam Mickiewicz
Eugenia Prokop-Janiec
Contact and Conflict: Polish-Jewish Contact Zone
Ewa Kołodziejczyk
The Image of the United States in the Published Correspondence of Czesław Miłosz Written Between 1945 and 1950
Rafał Moczkodan
The Problem of “Polishness” in the London Student Periodicals (Życie Akademickie – Kontynenty)
Natalia Żórawska-Janik
Homo Holocaustus, or Autobiographical Female Experience of the Holocaust
Bernadetta Darska
A Creator’s Illness as a Source of Memory and Forgetting: Selected Examples
Stanisław Uliasz
Kresy (Polish Eastern Borderlands) in Polish Literature of 1918–2018. Significant Interpretative Perspectives
Robert Mielhorski
The Topos of Childhood in Modern Poetry (1939–1989)
Dariusz Nowacki
Access Paths: On Popular Women’s Literature and Criticism
Agnieszka Nęcka
“The Last One Turns the Light off”. Polish Prose after the Year 2000 in the Context of EU Migration
Dariusz Piechota
Melancholics on the Vistula River
Janusz Pasterski
“I Did Not Know Then…” Two Autothematic Poems
Radosław Rusnak
The Oeuvre of Jan Alan Bardziński – a Dominican, Preacher and Translator
Ewa Głębicka
Loneliness over a Piece of Paper. Maria Dąbrowska as an Epistolographer
Anna Szawerna-Dyrszka
Vilnius’s Comoedia – Another Link in the History of the Avant-garde
Elżbieta Dutka
“This Emigrant Fate of His”: On Włodzimierz Odojewski’s Short Story Collection …i poniosły konie
Beata Dorosz
Jan Lechoń’s and Kazimierz Wierzyński’s Letters (Some Comments Based on the Critical Edition)
Marian Kisiel
Notes about Czerniawski
Recently added issues
Tematy i Konteksty | (No. 1) | 2020
Tematy i Konteksty | 15(10) | 2020
Tematy i Konteksty | (9 (14) | 2019)
Tematy i Konteksty | (8 (13)) | 2018
See also
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