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- Expanding Universes. Exploring Transmedial & Transfictional Ways of World-Building
- Studia doktoranckie z zakresu literaturoznawstwa w IBL PAN
- The Institute of Polish Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of UKSW
- Obraz religii we współczesnej literaturze i sztuce
- Konferencja OPERAS “The Future of Scholarly Communication”
- Our Everyday Identity – International Interdyscyplinary Conference
- Joseph Conrad, Colonialism and Africa – Lecture by Professor Robert Hampson
- The Quest for Transcendence / an international conference in the series "Poetry Translation – Negotiating Imagination"
- Between clarity and fuzziness. Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts / 5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature
- Between clarity and fuzziness.Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts / 5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Culture
- Henryk Sienkiewicz in the digital age - a webinar with Prof. Bartlomiej Szleszynski / in cooperation the Kosciuszko Foundation and the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Lecturer of Polish language
- Międzynarodowe warsztaty o edycjach cyfrowych
- Stypendium dla polskich humanistów w Kanadzie