Search results
- Księgozbiory, biblioteki, wydawnictwa i twórcy podczas konfliktów zbrojnych i politycznych. Stan badań i perspektywy badawcze
- Games and Playing as Entertainment, Education and Art
- Jagiellonians Heritage: Perspecives of International Research
- "The Professionalism of the Teacher: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects" - call for papers
- Poetyki nie(po)rozumienia. Kulturotwórczy potencjał zakłóceń w komunikacji artystycznej / Poetics of (Mis)understanding: Culture-Making Potential of Interference in Artistic Communication
- Defiant Trajectories: Mapping out Slavic Women Writers Routes
- 6th Congress on Polish Studies. Framework topic: Aufbrüche – Umbrüche / Przełomy – przeobrażenia / Upheavals – New Beginnings
- 'Cat in the Wet Grass' by Kornel Filipowicz – between reading and translation
- Shaping new ways to open the book. A workshop of the HIRMEOS project
- #ScienceForUkraine
- The 3rd Polish Conference on Memory Studies „(Post)memory in/about Central and Eastern Europe”
- Postgraduate Contemporary Editing Study at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (CSWU)
- Nowoczesna humanistyka - warsztaty towarzyszące konferencji "Cultural Literacy in Europe 2017"
- Schulz and imaginative spaces by Eliza Kącka / Polish Literary Culture Series: Digital Lectures Part I
- Unveiling the Heritage: Krystyna Bednarczyk (1923–2011) – Polish Poet and Co-Founder of Poets and Painters' Press in London