Search results
- Digital Humanities 2020
- The Institute of Literary Research
- PoSoCoMeS panels at the Memory Studies Association 2022 online conference
- Interview with Prof. Anna Frajlich, Senior Lecturer, Emerita of the Department of Slavic Languages at Columbia University
- Studia doktoranckie z zakresu literaturoznawstwa w IBL PAN
- Dyskursy gier wideo / 3. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa
- XXVIII Scientific Readings / International Scientific Conference
- Keywords
- Comparative Survey Design and Implementation International Works
- (Nie)smak w tekstach kultury XIX-XXI wieku
- Uniwersytet Alberty w Kanadzie - Polish Doctoral Research Fellowship
- Stypendia Uniwersytetu Europy Centralnej w Wiedniu
- Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
- Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies
- Polish Institute of Advanced Studies