Search results
- Lockdowns by Joanna Ciechanowska
- Cultures of Dissent in Eastern Europe (1945-1989): Research Approaches in the Digital Humanities
- Blue Point Art Gallery London
- Międzynarodowe projekty badawcze w obszarze nauk humanistycznych i społecznych CHANSE
- From Artes liberales to Artes digitales: Ukrainistyka & Slawistyka / międzynarodowe seminarium interdyscyplinarne
- DHOx2020 ONLINE EVENT: Registration now open
- Research Visits for Ukrainian Scholars at IBL PAN
- Call for papers for the third issue of “Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura” (“Childhood: Literature and Culture”)
- The Anthropocene: from boundaries to bonds. Interdisciplinary crossovers in knowledge development
- Literaturoznawstwo architektoniczne. Miejsce i tożsamość (The architectural literary studies: place and identity)
- Schools of feeling Gender in the historical processes of shaping emotions
- “I got imprisoned for rock and roll”: Andrzej Stasiuk and the Literature of Periphery – A lecture by Dr. Krzysztof Gajewski / in cooperation the Kosciuszko Foundation and the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Regional Museum in Zwoleń
- Language of the Third Millennium XIII: Language in the Face of Technology