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- A few questions about… the ANTHROPOS Doctoral School
- Piętno Zagłady: Wojenna i powojenna historia oraz pamięć żydowskich dzieci ocalałych w Polsce by Joanna Beaty Michlic
- Linguistics Beyond And Within: THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE REGULAR — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin
- Much more than infrastructure: working together to connect research
- Podejście kognitywne w onomastyce
- „Humanistyka cyfrowa". Studia doktoranckie Instytutu Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polsko-Japońskiej Akademii Technik Komputerowych
- The Art of Editing – from Analogue to Digital (call for papers)
- How to Facilitate Cooperation between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions. Guidelines
- What is Polish Studies?
- 100 years of The National Library of Poland / Scientific conference
- Sommerschule "Polish as a World Language"
- „Logopaedica Lodziensia”. Tom 1
- Profesor nadzwyczajny w Zakładzie Edytorstwa i Stylistyki
- Cultural Literacy & Cosmopolitan Conviviality / CLE Biennial Conference 2019
- Comics in Culture/Culture in Comics