Search results
- Modal Adverbs in English and Polish
- Szkoła Języków Obcych "English Perfect"
- A corpus-based cognitive-semantic analysis of the primary basic colour terms in English and Polish
- Special Issue in English, A Selection of the Decade
- Post-Socialist Memory in Global Perspective: Postcolonialism, Post-transition, Post-trauma
- Krzysztof Puławski, Przetłumaczyć Irlandię
- Linguistics Beyond And Within: THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE REGULAR — International Linguistics Conference in Lublin
- From Artes liberales to Artes digitales: Ukrainistyka & Slawistyka / międzynarodowe seminarium interdyscyplinarne
- Oskar Halecki Institute in Canada
- More After More. Utopias & Dystopias 1516-2016
- Seminarium "Comparative Approaches to 21st-Century Anglophone Holocaust Literature"
- 5th "Andalusian Slavic Studies Workdays" International Conference
- Joseph Conrad, Colonialism and Africa – Lecture by Professor Robert Hampson
- Word in Education. Moral Upbringing through Arts and Literature / IVth International Congress
- 'Cat in the Wet Grass' by Kornel Filipowicz – between reading and translation